-How Does A Moment Last Forever-

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A/N: "How Does A Moment Last Forever" Sam Yung (Strings & Piano)

Third POV: 

In the heart of the Lost Cities, where magic dance through the very air and secrets whispered between the ancient trees, there existed a clearing that held memories as vibrant as the emerald grass underfoot. It was here that Sophie often found solace, where the echoes of laughter and shared dreams still lingered like forgotten melodies. 

On this day, as the golden light of the sun filtered through the leaves and painted patterns on the forest floor, Sophie wandered into the clearing. Her mind adrift in the past, she traced the carved initials on the trunk of a towering oak – K + S – a symbol of a bond unbreakable. Lost in the gentle embrace of nostalgia, she failed to notice the quiet rustle of the wind or the soft padding of footsteps that approached her. It was only when a familiar voice cut through the silence that her heart skipped a beat. 

"Foster," the voice called, tinged with a hint of both uncertainty and longing. 

Startled, Sophie spun around, her eyes widening in disbelief. Standing before her, cloaked in shadows that seemed to dance and weave around him like an old friend, was Keefe. With the sunlight catching the edges of his cloak, he seemed almost ethereal, like a figure from a half-remembered dream.

"Keefe?" Sophie whispered; her voice barely audible over the rush of emotions crashing through her. For a moment, all she could do was stare, as if unsure whether he was real, or a mirage conjured by her aching heart. A smile tugged at the corner of Keefe's lips as he stepped closer, the sparkle in his eyes familiar yet changed by the passage of time. "It's me, Foster," he said softly, his voice filled with a well of unspoken words and emotions. Before she could stop herself, Sophie crossed the distance between them in a rush, throwing her arms around Keefe in a tight embrace. 

The world around them seemed to fade into background whispers as they held each other, two souls reunited after a long and painful separation. As they finally pulled away, standing face to face in the dappled light of the clearing, a torrent of questions and unspoken confessions swirled between them. Keefe reached out, cupping her cheek in his hand, his touch warm against her skin. "I've missed you, Foster," he said simply, his gaze searching hers for an echo of the love they once shared.

Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as Sophie nodded, her heart overflowing with emotions too vast to contain. "I missed you too, Keefe. More than words can say." And so, in the heart of the Lost Cities, amidst the whispers of ancient magic and the memories that bound them together, Keefe and Sophie began to weave a new chapter in their shared story.

Sitting side by side on the soft grass of their favorite clearing, they shared tales of their time apart – of adventures undertaken, of challenges faced, and of the echoes of each other that lingered in every corner of their lives. With each word spoken and each shared glance, the bond between them grew stronger, like a thread spun from starlight and shared dreams.

 Keefe took Sophie's delicate hand in his own, his touch warm and reassuring. "How does a moment last forever?" Keefe's voice was soft, barely a whisper, but the question hung heavy in the air, weaving through the fabric of time itself. Sophie turned to him, her eyes filled with a mixture of wonder and contemplation. "A moment lasts forever when it is etched into our hearts, when its memory becomes a part of who we are. 

Time may pass, but the essence of that moment remains, a guiding light in the darkness. "Their conversation meandered through the corridors of time and love, exploring the delicate balance between fleeting moments and everlasting memories. Keefe spoke of his longing to capture the essence of their bond, to freeze time in a bottle and preserve their love for eternity. Sophie, ever the voice of reason, reminded him that time was a fluid concept, ever-changing and unpredictable. 

As the first stars began to twinkle in the velvety sky, Keefe reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricately carved wooden token. It glowed softly in the moonlight, imbued with a magic that pulsated with promise. "This is for you, Sophie," Keefe said, his eyes alight with passion. "A token of our promise to make every moment count, to cherish each fleeting second as if it were our last. 

"Sophie's heart swelled with emotion as she accepted the token, feeling the weight of its significance settle into her soul. She knew that their bond was rare and precious, a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness. Together, under the watchful gaze of the stars, Keefe and Sophie vowed to honor their promise, to seize each moment with reckless abandon and to let their love transcend the boundaries of time itself.

As the night deepened around them, Sophie's thoughts drifted into the realm of introspection. In the quiet recesses of her mind, she pondered Keefe's question and the truths it held. She realized that moments were like whispers in the wind, ephemeral yet eternal, fleeting yet everlasting. And in that moment of quiet revelation, Sophie understood the secret of time. It was not the ticking of a clock or the turning of a page but the beating of a heart, the rhythm of a soul intertwined with another. 

Moments lasted forever not in the confines of hours and minutes but in the boundless expanse of the heart. With a smile on her lips and a warmth in her soul, Sophie turned to Keefe, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding. Together, they watched the stars twinkle like diamonds in the night sky, knowing that every moment, every heartbeat, was a gift to be cherished and held close.

And in the quiet of the night, under the watchful gaze of the stars, they understood that some moments, though fleeting, live on forever within us.


Hope you enjoy. This made me a little emotional. 


Keep Being Cool


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