-A World Without You P2-

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Song: "No Air" By Caleb & Kelsey (After Unlocked P2)

*Italic lyrics are the male part except chorus. (I also didn't do the whole song.)*

Keefe's POV:

I sat alone in my London hotel room, the dim light casting shadows across the empty space. It had been weeks since I last saw Foster, weeks filled with heartache and longing. I knew that staying away from her was for her own safety, but that didn't make it any easier.

"I'm here alone didn't wanna leave. My heart won't move its incomplete."

Living all alone with no one, it's just me. I didn't want to leave the Lost Cities, but I didn't really have much of a choice when it came to my mom and my psycho ability. But what I didn't want to leave is my sweet Foster. My heart feels so incomplete without her, it refuses to move on and forget her. How can I? I fell in love with her so it's utterly impossible. It's stubborn when it comes to love.

As he stared out the window at the bustling city below, memories of their time in the Lost Cities flooded his mind. The laughter they shared, the adventures they embarked on, and the moments of vulnerability they experienced together. It was these memories that sustained him through the lonely nights.

"Wish there was a way that I can make you understand."

I want you to understand why I'm leaving. You probably do, since you understand me better than anyone ever has. All I wish is for you to understand that this was the only way for me to figure out my power and to hide from my heartless mother.

Closing my eyes and reminiscing about the first time we met, when they were both just young, Sophie was trying to navigate the extraordinary world she was thrust into. Foster's strong emotions flooded over me, and I remember looking into her eyes the first time, they had captivated him from the start, and he couldn't help but fall in love with her. Although I didn't admit it at the time. She looked lost and I can remember my first words to her.

'You must be lost'

"Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air. Can't live can't breathe with no air. That's how I feel whenever you ain't there. It's no air, no air."

Living in a world without you feels like there's no air to breathe. I don't know how much longer I can go on like this. I'm starting to doubt if this was even a good idea. It was meant to keep you safe, but it's also tearing me apart because I can't live without you. This is so difficult.

"Got me out here in the water, so deep. Tell me how you gon' be without me. If you ain't here, I just can't breathe. It's no air, no air."

I guess you could say that I am so deep down in the depths just waiting for something good to happen. Wanting Foster to pull me out to save me. Or for me to figure out this stupid ability so I can return to Foster. Ugh. I just want her so bad! If I'm being honest, I'm not sure how she is without me. Maybe she forgot me. Knowing her I don't think she did. I don't blame her though; we've been through so many things together. Also, how on earth could you forget The Hair.

"I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew. Right off the ground to float to you. There's no gravity to hold me down for real."

I feel as if I've done these things in my dreams just to return to you. But they always turn into nightmares making it so there's no gravity to hold me down so I can stay with you. Making it impossible for me to reach you.

Foster, I don't think I can live without you much longer. This airless world is hard to breathe in without you. My whole being is desperate to hold you, to kiss you, to cherish you, to see your beautiful smile. Or even just the feeling of your touch and its effect on me. Even to hear your sweet voice. Oh, I miss you so much Foster it hurts.

I love you Foster. I wish you were with me.

At that, I started to sob my eyes out. 



"HEY GUYS, GUYS, GUYS, I don't think this is a real elevator." (Matt-Elevator Fail)

Keep Being Cool


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