-Finding Comfort in You-

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Sophie's POV: 

I made my way down the crowded hallways, the weight of the day heavy on my shoulders. With each step, tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I desperately tried to blink them away, to hide the pain that gnawed at my heart. But it was getting harder, more unbearable with each passing moment.

This day was not a good day. Everything was hard and I couldn't hold it in anymore. Most of the time I was hiding my sadness behind a fake smile. My friends never knew. I felt alone even though I was surrounded by people who loved me so much.

With a boyfriend who supposedly loved me, but I was doubting that. I don't think Fitz genuinely loved me.

I didn't know why, but I was feeling so alone. I felt broken. My legs collapsed under me, and I started sobbing, my body shaking as I cried. The emotions wouldn't hold anymore; they needed to be set free. Things feel hard right now. I always feel alone when I'm with my friends and feel like no one really understands me.

Fitz doesn't love me. He only loves my abilities and I feel like I'm just making him look good. We're... never mind, I hate when he uses that line. I've taken off my cognate rings and hidden them somewhere I won't find them again. Also, I know that I can't be a bad match, but he refuses to accept that. He always takes out his anger on me, even if the thing he is mad at isn't my fault at all. Sometimes he pressures me to tell him things that are far too personal to me.

I am getting tired of feeling like I had to be perfect all the time. I was tired of being pushed to the side, as if my feelings didn't matter. I felt like I was being pushed to the side being overshadowed.

As I reached my locker, I fumbled with the combination lock, my hands trembling. The hallway seemed emptier now, the sounds of laughter and chatter fading into the background. I knew I couldn't hold it in anymore. I couldn't pretend to be okay.

The tears finally broke free, cascading down my cheeks like a waterfall. I couldn't control the sobs that wracked my body. The world around me blurred, the lockers merging into an indistinguishable mass of metal and paint. I sank to the floor, my legs unable to bear the weight of my emotions any longer.

Fitz has made this relationship all about himself. It has never been about me. As things started going downhill, I've come to the realization that I've never been in love with this stuck-up jerk. I forgive him for his past actions but pushing me to the side as if my feelings are irrelevant and I don't matter at all is unacceptable. I'm just there to make his stupid Vacker reputation look good. All of it makes me look like his stupid pathetic object that he owns. But that's not what I am.

And that's when I saw him. Keefe, with his mischievous smile and twinkling eyes. He had always been there, even when I wasn't aware of it. His presence was like a warm blanket, wrapping around me and shielding me from the cold reality of my life.

He knelt beside me, his arms opening to embrace me. I leaned into him, burying my face in his shoulder, soaking his shirt with my tears. In that moment, it felt like the world stopped spinning. It was just Keefe and me, alone in our shared pain and vulnerability.

I whispered through my sobs, my words trembling. "I love you, Keefe."

He held me tighter, his voice filled with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "I love you too, Foster. I'll always be here if you need me."

And in that instant, I realized how much strength there was in vulnerability. How finding someone who truly understands you can heal the deepest wounds. Keefe was my anchor, my refuge amidst the storm. With him, I didn't have to pretend anymore. I could let my guard down and allow myself to be seen, flaws and all.

As we sat there, the world slowly came back into focus. The sounds of laughter and chatter seeped back into my awareness, but they no longer held the power to drown me. Together, Keefe and I faced the trials and tribulations of life, knowing that we had each other's backs.

From that day on, I carried him with me, like a beacon of light in the darkest moments. The weight of my sadness didn't vanish, but it became more bearable with Keefe by my side. And as we walked through the halls, our hands intertwined, I knew that I had found the greatest love and comfort I could ever ask for.

Here, in Keefe's arms, I found solace and strength. And together, we continued to navigate the ups and downs of life, knowing that as long as we were together, everything would be okay. 



"BALANCE RESTORED!!" (Matt-Captain Literally)

Keep Being Cool


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