Spa Night(Manolo Sánchez[The Book Of Life] X Reader)

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I think I'm only going to post one today. I have an agenda planned today and as long as I can get one posted, I'll be happy.

Besides the fact that it's getting hard to decide which character to post next since the one shots I've written in the past aren't "worthy" enough to be posted in my standards. 


-Reader's P.O.V.-

Manolo was cooking dinner while I put away the clean folded laundry. Tonight was date night, but because of the long day we both had, we didn't want to go out.

That's what I assumed, at least.

Once I finished, I put the laundry basket back in the bathroom and went to the living room. I sat on the couch.

"...Manolo?" I hesitated.

His eyes locked with mine. "Si, cariño[honey]?"

"Can I take a guess and say you don't wanna go out for date night tonight?" I asked.

"I'd like to stay in for a good reason," he said then smiled. "How about a spa night?"

I giggled softly. "We don't have much to work with."

"We can work with what we have. How does it sound?" he asked.

I smiled. "I'm down."

"After dinner, okay?"



Our bellies were full and our supplies were out. Manolo and I sat facing each other with our legs crossed and our tray of "spa" supplies in the middle of us.

"...I really wanna give you a face mask," I admitted.

He smiled. "Only if you let me paint your nails while it dries."

"Okay, deal," I smiled. I grabbed the (bottle mask brand) (mask type) and popped the lid open. I squeezed a good amount of the mask into my palm and began to cover the matador's face with it. 

Manolo closed his eyes in content while I massaged his face with the pads of my fingers. "That feels nice, (Y/N)."

I smiled. "Good."

Once his face was smothered, I got up and washed the mask off my hands. I got back into my spot. Manolo grabbed the bottle of (nail polish color) (brand) nail polish and repeatedly hit it against his palm to mix it up.

"Ready?" he asked.

I held out a hand. "Go for it."

Manolo kissed each pad of my fingers before beginning to paint my nails. 

Tonight was gonna be fun.


As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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