Chapter 24: Seriously be a qualified wife.

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With water droplets hanging all over her body, Jisoo covered herself with a towel, her voice weak and feeble.

Leaning her head on the edge of the bathtub, still feeling dizzy,  Jisoo stretched out her left hand to grab the edge of the bathtub, trying to sit up first, but he felt dizzy and couldn't exert himself for a while.

She has been busy since she was transferred to general surgery. She has been in a bad state for the past two days, and she drank so much wine tonight. Sometimes, Jisoo himself feels that she is crazy.

If you overdraw your body without restraint, sooner or later there will come a day when you can't bear it anymore. Isn't it tonight? Is it so difficult to show weakness and say that you need help?

Jennie saw that Jisoo was still showing off even though she was struggling, did she really think that she could do anything on her own?

Jennie remembered that when she started from scratch and worked hard outside, she didn't survive as hard as Miss jisoo.

"Don't move." Jennie ordered, turned around and went to the closet to get a bathrobe. The bathroom was filled with hot steam and a bit stuffy.

Jisoo eyes were blurred, as if there was a mist in front of his eyes, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

After a while, she vaguely saw Jennie walking towards her again...

Then, the consciousness became weaker and weaker. There is always a degree to everything.

Jisoo was very tired, even though she never complained. Tonight, it was not just because of drinking too much, but also because the pressure had finally reached a critical point, the critical point of collapse.

Otherwise, she would not have leaned on Jennie's shoulder, murmuring over and over again, "I'm so tired."

Jennie knelt down, held Jisoo shoulders and helped her up. First, she wrapped her bathrobe around her body to cover her up.

But when she entered the bathroom just now, the first scene she saw had already been imprinted in her mind and she couldn't get it out of her mind.

Thinking about it, some details suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Jennie turned his head and continued to help Jisoo put on the bathrobe.

Jisoo body was now soft and soft, and she leaned into Jennie arms. Jennie held  Jisoo steady across the bathrobe.

Many times? Indulging Jisoo in his arms. Jennie lowered his head and smelled the fragrance on the tip of his nose, mixed with the smell of shampoo and shower gel.

Jisoo's side face was right against her heart, and her wet hair was a little messy. She gently pushed the hair away from Jisoo face with her fingertips.

She still had the same innocent and stubborn face, but her lips were pale, there were light cyan circles under her eyes, and her face was haggard.

Jennie rubbed his hand on Jisoo face and patted it gently. The skin on his palm was warm and delicate.

She couldn't help but let her body get closer to Jisoo.

As she pressed against Jisoo like this, her thoughts drifted away.

(" Jennie, do you think you are a normal person?"

"No one can stand you."

"Jennie, you are just sick.")

Many things are no longer mentioned, but that does not mean they have been forgotten. When a person has tasted and got used to the feeling of loneliness, she may even think that it will be like this for the rest of his life.

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