Chapter 27: Miss.Jennie looks cold and warm when she hugs.

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Kindergarten parent-child sports meets are held twice a year.

Elsa has never participated.

Because the little guy has low self-esteem and only has one mother, she seems so out of place with other kids. Therefore, Elsa was absent from every parent-child sports meeting.

But things are different now. Elsa wants to let the whole world know that she has two beautiful mothers. When the teacher mentioned the parent-child sports meeting, Elsa was the first to raise her hand to sign up, and did not talk to Jennie or Jisoo.

"This weekend?" Jisoo asked.

It was a bit sudden, and I didn’t know if I could get leave from the hospital.

"Elsa signed up herself. If it's not convenient for her to participate, just explain it to her." Jennie said lightly.

"...Convenient." Jisoo thought, the little one must really want to participate, just like every time she and Jennie send Elsa to kindergarten together, Elsa always smiles very happily.

"Don't force it." Jennie actually doesn't like to participate in such group activities, and she has never participated in it. "I never participated in it before."

"It used to be the past, but it's different now. Elsa must really want to participate." Otherwise, the little one wouldn't have signed up so excitedly.

Jennie thought for a moment, nodded in agreement, then turned and walked to the bathroom.

The warm sun is rising outside the window, and the solid-color curtains reveal a hazy light. The light in the bedroom is just right.

Not harsh, soft and warm.

Jisoo sat on the bed in a daze and rubbed his head. The bed was warm, with the scent and residual warmth of another person.

"(You don't have to sleep in the same room, let alone the same bed." )Jisoo remembered the previous agreement.

What's the result now?

She and Jennie slept in the same room and on the same bed about eight times out of ten.

Last night...

Jisoo touched her arm. Did she hug Jennie for the whole night? No wonder it's so warm. Miss. Jennie looks as cold as ice, but she feels so warm when she hugs her.

Looking down at the wrinkled bedding and pillows, Jisoo looked distracted, still thinking about some details, such as when she just woke up...

One is washing up in the bathroom, and the other is lying in bed in a daze. This is pretty much the daily routine of the young couple in the morning.

Jisoo felt that apart from the lack of real feelings between her and Jennie, in other aspects, they were exactly the same as the "couple".

Parent-child sports meeting...

Jisoo hugged the pillow, never expecting that at the age of twenty-three, she would be old enough to hold a parent-teacher meeting.

However, she was looking forward to the weekend activities. The little one must be very happy, and Miss.Jennie. Jisoo really couldn't imagine what it would be like for the always cold and dignified Jennie to play games with children.

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