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It was all for the job. It was all to get the information that I could about Skz and hopefully sell it on.

That's what I tried telling myself as I spent the rest of the night entangled in Chan's limbs, whether it was in the club, in a car, or in the mansion that they went back to at the end of the night. At least I'd managed to get them to take me home with them.

My original plan had been to hope Chan would get drunk enough that he'd fall asleep before doing anything intimate; I'd never gone that far before with my work. But after that one shot, he barely even touched any more alcohol, his attention almost always on me.

This meant he was definitely aware enough to know what he was doing, focused enough to know what to do to make me feel pleasure. It was very difficult not to get carried away.

Alas, that is how I ended up in his bed, completely forgetting about the job at hand as he pleasured me intensely to the point that I could even forget about my own name. I swear, he was from another plane of existence with how good he was.

After a couple of rounds, he finally had exhausted himself and practically collapsed on the bed and almost instantly drifted off to sleep, but not before pulling me to him to cuddle. A part of me didn't mind as I, too, was fatigued from the intense activity, but I had to force myself to remember I was there for a reason.

As soft snores emanated from Chan, I waited half an hour before I moved, and thankfully this half hour was enough for me to recuperate; I knew if I'd stood up straight away my legs wouldn't have worked.

Thankfully, after the half hour, I was more than reassured that he was deeply asleep, enough that he didn't even stir as I gently pulled out of his arms and got off the bed. I quickly got dressed, carrying my heels as I tiptoed out of his room.

No one was outside in the hallway, which was silent as can be. In fact, I was fairly sure the others would be sleeping too, some with the girls they too had brought home.

This allowed me to sneak swiftly through the mansion, which helped to go quickly, considering it was a big place that I didn't know. This meant I'd gotten lost a little, trying to find any kind of room that might contain info like an office or tech room.

After a while, I began to mentally curse at how big the place was, frustrated that I hadn't found anything yet. This info was important, it would get me a lot of money from the right buyer, especially as Skz were big in the mafia world.

Just as I was starting to become antsy, I found an entrance that led down to a basement. Surely, this would be a good place to store valuable data, right?

With high hopes, I made my way down the stone steps, cold on my bare feet. At the bottom of the steps was a long, dim corridor with multiple doors on either side.

Sighing quietly, I began trying the doors, but I quickly found that a lot of them had keypads on them.

"Shit," I muttered, suppressing a shiver from the cool temperature of the corridor.

I'd made contingency plans in case this would happen, but I was hoping it would've been easier and quicker. Of course, how could I hope for that when a powerful group as Skz probably had some really tight security on a lot of things.

So, I rummaged in my clutch bag until I found a flat, rubber item about the size of my palm. It could easily be mistaken for some kind of drinks coaster, but inside the rubber was some high-end tech that I'd made for such occasions as I was in now.

I stuck the gadget on the wall next to one of the keypads, pressing the hidden buttons on it to set it up and connect with the keypad, which only took half a minute. That was the quick part about it, the longer part was waiting for it to find the code to the keypad. Usually, it took anywhere from five minutes to twenty minutes.

Whilst I waited, I checked the remaining doors in the corridor that didn't have keypads. These were the ones that were more towards the end of the corridor, where I couldn't help but feel a bit more of a foreboding atmosphere. The doors looked heavy, and when I pushed on them, they didn't budge. Locked. But again, I had a backup to help with this.

In my clutch, I found my less sophisticated and not as high-tech gadget for picking locks, and quickly got to work. I was usually quite good at picking locks, though how fast was usually determined by the type of lock. This lock was one of the more difficult ones; it was becoming clear that this door was built to be secure enough to keep things out... or in.

As I began feeling a sense of dread about what might be behind the door, my decoder gadget beeped down the corridor, signifying it had found a result. Abandoning the door in front of me, I went back to the other door with the keypad, seeing that it had a green light on it to indicate its door was open. At least I was getting somewhere.

I pushed at the door gently, and it slowly began to open. Grinning triumphantly, I pushed it open more to see that it was a room with some high-tech computers.

No doubt full of important information. Time to get to work.



So at the moment, there isn't any smut, purely because I don't feel like it is necessary to the storyline. I'm not against writing it, I am capable of writing smut. So if there's a few people who would like a separate chapter for the night Alex spent with Chan, I'll consider writing it 😊


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