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"You may not think it, but you got off lucky," Minho murmured as he cleaned blood off me.

I was currently in the medical room, lying on one of the hospital-like beds. It hadn't been long since I'd woken from unconsciousness, aching, and sore all over.

The Btob guys had taken their time to beat me up without causing me considerable damage. At first, I'd held on, refusing to cry or whimper at the pain, and as far as I could remember, I didn't, as I'd been knocked unconscious after a while. Minho had told me when they were done he came to get me, even if Chan was all for letting me stay in the cell again. But Minho, as a doctor, felt his duty of care to look after me, so he'd brought me to the medical room where he'd been tending to my injuries.

"Lucky?" I scoffed, wincing at the slight pain in my ribs.

"It could've been a lot worse," he said bluntly. "It's a miracle you don't have any broken bones or even a concussion."

"Feels broken," I muttered, my hand holding my painful ribs.

"They're just bruised," Minho stated, finishing up cleaning the blood off me. "They'll heal soon enough. As will the rest of you."

"Until Chan let's another one of your allies I've wronged have at," I rolled my eyes.

"He won't," Minho said, putting his stuff away. "Well, I don't think so anyway, but Btob are basically superior to us, they've been around much longer than us and basically helped us build our standing in the mafia world. So I think he felt he owed it to them, if you understand what I mean."

"I think so," I sighed. "I hope he doesn't let it happen again. I'm in agony."

"Well, as a doctor, I'm telling you that you'll need to rest for the next few days," Minho said, walking to a cupboard. "I'll also be giving you pain meds to help." He turned to look at me sternly. "Don't abuse them!"

"I won't," I assured him. "That's never been my thing."

"Good," he muttered, walking back over with a bottle of pills. "Take two of these every four hours if you feel you need it."

"Thanks," I said quietly, taking them off him.

"Otherwise, there's not much else I can do for you right now," he shrugged, hands in pockets. "Just send you to get some rest."

"Sounds good," I nodded.

However, as I moved to stand up, I struggled with the pain even moving to the edge of the bed. Minho stepped forward, hands out as if to help.

"You gonna need help getting there?" he asked, watching me warily.

"I'll be fine," I muttered, but when I tried moving again, the pain said otherwise as I couldn't even get to my feet. "Just give me a minute."

"Uh-huh," Minho rolled his eyes.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and after Minho called for whoever it was to enter, the door opened, and two men walked in. I tensed up as I realised they were from the Btob group. Minho moved in front of me, putting himself between me and them.

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