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I wasted no time in getting out of the car. Sure, I was in more pain than before, but the injury check would have to wait. Thankfully the glass on the front windscreen had mostly broken and peeled away, enough for me to clamber through until I met the ground outside.

In the darkness it was a bit difficult to make out where I was, only that I seemed to be in a ravine of sorts, with trees surrounding me. Up the steep hill I could hear distant voices, many of them. They'll be down here soon. I needed to go.

So, I began making my way through the trees, going in the direction I was guessing the city was in. I'd lost sight of the city down here, but I could only hope I was going the right way. If I made it, that is. When I'd last seen it it was still quite a distance away, and trying to get that far whilst I was injured seemed more like wishful thinking than anything. But, I was determined, and adrenaline was still coursing through me, and that was enough to keep me going for now.

The further and further I got from the wreckage, the more relaxed I got; I couldn't hear Nct now. But that didn't mean I could slow down, especially when it started to rain as I was finally making my way out of the ravine.

"Brilliant," I groaned as rain drops continuously hit my body, the frequency increasing as the rain became heavier.

I tried moving quicker to escape it, though escape to where I didn't know. My injuries were a hindrance, though as the ground became mostly flat it was easier to navigate through the trees. Yet the rain still hounded me, and I was soon shivering with the cold.

It was then that I noticed lights in the distance, and for a moment I panicked, but the lights disappeared as they went from one side to another. Then, another set of lights going in the opposite direction. A road? That could be useful.

When I reached the road I peered out through the trees. It was mostly quiet, especially this time at night and with the pouring rain. I couldn't see the city from here, or any signs. How can I get to the city now? It wasn't like I could wait for morning.

Maybe I could hitchhike? Sure, it could be dangerous, but what other choice did I have? At this point, I was pretty desperate to try anything. I'd just have to keep an eye out for Nct at the same time.

So, I made my way to the edge of the road, waiting for vehicles to come. It took a few minutes before I saw the first car, but as I stuck my thumb out, the car didn't even slow down. This happened several more times, though one did slow down enough to look at me, but they must've seen my dishevelled appearance and decided I was trouble as they suddenly sped up again and disappeared from sight.

It didn't take long for me to get disheartened and frustrated, my impatience wearing thin. At this rate morning would arrive anyway.

However, my luck seemed to change when a truck slowed down on the opposite side of the road, beeping to get my attention.

"You need help, ma'am?" the driver called through the rain.

"Yes, please!" I called back, hope returning.

"Hop on in out the rain!" he said, beckoning.

Hurriedly, I crossed the road to the truck, going to the passenger side where I climbed onto the step and opened the heavy door. Once I sat myself in the passenger seat of the warm, dry cab, I closed the door and turned to the driver.

"Are you heading to the city?" I asked him.

"Indeed I am," he said, his eyes widening at the state of my appearance. "Goodness, what happened to you?"

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