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Boredom. It wasn't very often I experienced that feeling. Before everything with Skz, I'd always had something to do, whether it was my work or even just hobbies in my downtime. But that was when I had freedom to do said stuff, unlike now, being locked in my room again with nothing to do, not even a book or a fidget toy to keep me entertained.

Jisung and Seungmin were out on a job with most of the others, therefore I wasn't able to leave my room without them to hang out with. I'd been spending more time with them over the past few days, and I've found myself enjoying their company; I don't think I'd ever laughed so much before. Especially considering I'd never had friends before either. Again, the experience was new but nice, if not a little tainted by the fact I was still a captive.

A knock on the door brought me out of my reverie. If it was Jisung or Seungmin they'd wait for me to answer before they unlocked the door, but Minho on the other hand never waited and just unlocked the door straight away, walking straight in as he did now.

"Don't you ever consider that I could be naked one of the times you walk in?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Makes no difference to me," he shrugged. "You bored?"

"Maybe," I said hesitantly. "You got something for me to do?"

"Sort of," he said, crossing his arms. "I've been thinking -"

"Careful, that's dangerous," I grinned cheekily.

Minho just stared at me with a small huff, and I just smiled and put my hands up in surrender. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he continued on.

"Anyway," he said. "We talked about trusting each other before, right?" I nodded. "I've decided to start off the journey of trust by not locking you in here anymore."

"Really?" I said in surprise, hope filling me.

"Yep," Minho nodded. "You'll be able to go about the mansion by yourself, just don't trespass anyone's privacy. We're going to trust you first, and I'd like to hope that you'll honour that trust by not trying to escape or anything."

"Mhm," I nodded eagerly. I was happy to be able to leave this room... but also be able to scout the place for potential escape routes. Minho didn't need to know that last part.

"Okay," he said hesitantly, watching me carefully. "If you try to escape at all -"

"I know, I know," I rolled my eyes. "You'll find me and bring me back, blah blah blah."

"Right," Minho said. "Well, you're free to leave when you want."

"Are the others back yet?" I asked innocently.

"Not yet," he answered. "Don't worry, Jisung and Seungmin will be back soon."

"Okay," I nodded with a smile.

With one more slightly confused look, Minho left... with the door wide open.

Though I was bouncing in anticipation to leave, I waited a few minutes for Minho to be somewhere else before I exited the room.

No one else was in the corridors, and it was very quiet. It reminded me of when I'd first come here and was sneaking out... except this time, I wasn't sneaking.

Without seeing anyone else, I used the opportunity to explore the huge building. Though I was looking out for potential escapes, I also couldn't help but admire the place. There were more rooms than I'd realised, some locked that I didn't bother trying to get into, but for the unlocked ones a lot of them were used for entertainment, such as a bar, a home cinema, a huge library. They even had a gym, sauna, hot tub, and indoor swimming pool. And those were only inside!

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