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"Where the fuck is it?" I muttered under my breath as I wandered the corridors.

Minho had asked me to meet him in the meeting room, for what he didn't say, only to be on time. But on time was difficult when I couldn't remember where the damned room was.

Eventually I found it, but when I walked in to see Minho's expression, I knew I was definitely late. Yet I ended up not caring as I saw Changbin sitting next to him. Still, I had not interacted with Changbin at all, and though I wasn't as fearful of him now, I still was wary about potentially angering him.

"Sorry, got lost," I muttered as I sat across the table from them.

"Mhm," Minho nodded indifferently. "Okay, so we basically want to talk to you about your work, like what specific things you did, how you did it, what were your best methods and skills."

"Why?" I couldn't help but ask. However, the sharp gaze Minho gave me made me flinch and back down.

"Anyway," he continued. "This is all so we can get a proper idea of how you work and which are your best skills, which we can then use to assign you to appropriate roles on jobs, which we're likely to do soon. Changbin is here to help in case there's anything questions I miss."

Though I'd been with Skz for a while now, and gotten used to them in some sort of way, part of me didn't want to reveal what were basically my trade secrets. Yet, I knew they would essentially make me talk in the end by whatever means, and if they were right about doing their jobs soon, they'd need to know what I was good at.

"Okay," I said quietly, nodding.

"Before we start," Changbin said, looking at me. I was surprised he wasn't giving me evils. "I want to apologise. For torturing you, I mean. I was doing my job, as Chan told me to, though that sounds lame of an excuse with an apology. I've seen you with the others, and I'm realising that you're not all that bad... so, I'd like it if we could maybe try and get along?"

Half of me was surprised at this, the other not as most members of Skz had done the same thing. Though in all honesty, I didn't expect it from Changbin so soon.

"Sure," I found myself saying with a small smile, which then turned into a grin. "Besides, though you were good at your job, I've had worse." I winked. "Maybe you should step up your game."

"Oh really?" he said, chuckling lightly. "I bet I could take you in a fight."

"Maybe," I said, eyeing his muscles bulging out the sleeves of his shirt. "We could always put that to the test."

"How about a little sparring match later?" he smirked.

"Okay," I nodded, grinning. "Sounds fun."

"Okay, enough chit-chat," Minho interrupted. "Let's get on with this, shall we?"

We both nodded, though I had to refrain from giggling when Changbin winked at me.

For about an hour we talked, well, mostly I did as I answered their questions. It was strange at first, telling people about what I did and how I did it; I'd never actually told anyone before, not even to Ms. Choi that much. Yet it wasn't long before I was at ease telling them everything, and though there were a few surprised looks and raised eyebrows, they never really commented their thoughts on it.

"Okay, I think that's everything," Minho said, going over his notes in front of him. "Bin, any more questions?"

"No, I don't think so," Changbin shook his head.

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