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"Lex, your head is okay, right?" Jeongin asked worriedly as we rode in the van.

"It's fine, Innie," I said reassuringly for the umpteenth time. "Doc says so, remember?"

For the past two weeks, the guys had been concerned about my wellbeing after my concussion, even after Minho had given me the all-clear a few days after the incident. It was mostly endearing to know they cared and wanted to make sure I was okay, but sometimes it was a little annoying as they'd ask if my head was okay more often than not, and they'd stop me doing anything that required medium or more effort, even if I was more than capable. But I never complained, how could I when they never meant anything bad by it and only wanted the best for me.

Some of the guys had been a little unsure about me going on today's job, even though Minho had told them himself I was fine; he'd made final checks on me after all. They'd relented after that, but I knew they'd keep a careful eye on me.

We were on our way with Atz to a meet-up at a site of abandoned warehouses, secluded and away from the city. The two groups had somehow acquired some military-grade weaponry and were selling it to the highest bidder, which happened to be Sf9. I'd never encountered this group myself, but from what I'd heard from Skz and Atz was that they were sometimes untrustworthy when it came to sales. Whilst a sale like this usually would've only consisted of the leader, second-in-command, and muscle, it was decided that all members from both groups would go as precautionary backup, including me.

This time, I knew I'd have a tracker on me, Jisung had told me himself, but he kept where the tracker was a secret. That didn't matter anyway as I was going to be working with Jeongin and Yeosang, and we were going to be the stealth patrol. Our job was to patrol the area but stealthily, meaning without Sf9 or any of their men knowing we were there, and this was to basically get an idea of their numbers whilst also keeping an eye out for potential trouble. This was all whilst the leaders and their men were negotiating, and the others were taking up overwatch close to them.

During the past week I'd been working with the guys during planning, and I'd also been getting combat training; physical combat with Changbin, and gun combat with Minho. Yes, that meant I had a gun on me during this job, but I didn't have any desire to use it on Skz or their allies; how could I, I cared about them.

When the day for the sale came, I'd been geared up with the others and now rode in one of the vans to the meet-up location.

"Cover your faces now, we're getting close," Chan said over the earpieces.

It had been a little strange over the past two weeks, as Chan hadn't shown any animosity towards me whatsoever. True, he hadn't interacted with me either, but I could sense this change was genuine and not a trap. Funny how it took me getting pushed over a bannister for this to happen.

I pulled up the bandana over the bottom half of my face, a hood pulled up over my head securely. This was how the others were disguised too, nothing fancy but definitely enough to make sure we couldn't get recognised.

"Seungmin and Yunho will stop our two vans here," Hongjoong said through the earpieces. "Hyunjin, take your lot around the corner and get set up with overwatch. Jongho, take the others to the far back of the area and then come back to Hyunjin's group. Everyone, contact only if something is wrong."

"This is it," Yeosang said to Jeongin and I, blowing air out. "You guys ready?"

"Ready," Jeongin said confidently as I nodded.

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