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Alex's p.o.v

Being in the literal dark was always disconcerting at the best of times when you didn't know where you were or what was going on, but when it's for an extended amount of time it's even worse.

After I'd been captured I'd been blindfolded and tied up, and carried around when not in a vehicle, so I had no idea where we were. Not seeing daylight even affected my sense of time so I had no clue how long it had been before I was eventually thrown into a cold, dark, room. They'd only removed the blindfold after they'd put metal cuffs connected to the wall with chains on me. Even then, after they removed the blindfold, before I could make any sense of where I was, they closed the door, leaving me to sit in the darkness.

It half reminded me of when I'd been captured by Skz all those months ago, but the mere thought of them already had my chest aching and tears welling up. I didn't care that I was captured and most likely going to get hurt, I cared more about the fact that I'd been separated from my group, from my family.

There was no telling if I'd ever get out of here, therefore no guarantee I'd ever see the guys again. I didn't even know if I'd ever get to be with Chan again, and this hurt more than anything. We'd finally confessed our feelings to each other and were developing our relationship for only about two months or so before we had been so unexpectedly and cruelly separated. Of course I hoped to see them all again, but I had to be realistic and realise the dire situation I was in; the chances of getting out of here were slim. There was no doubt they would be looking for me, Chan was probably organising the search right now. Though, it was doubtful they'd know where to look. Sure, Jisung probably told them about my guess that it was Nct, but that didn't mean they knew where Nct were; their base was as secret as Skz's. And I didn't even have a tracker they could use, as it had been a good while since I last had one.

The fact that I'd just been dumped in the cell and left alone confused me. Surely they would've wanted to get right to hurting me? They wanted revenge, right? Then again, how could I ever know the minds of these assholes.

I didn't know how long I was in there by the time someone finally came. All I knew was that it had been long enough for me to get hungry and thirsty, and the cold did not help either.

The metallic sound of a door opening had me looking for the source in the dark, but I was suddenly blinded by a light in the room which had been switched on. As I tried to blink away the brightness, I heard someone approach me. After a few seconds my vision returned enough for me to see the person kneeling in front of me.

Of course it was Taeyong. Nct's leader would no doubt have all say in what happens to me.

"Already enjoying your stay here?" he smirked.

I merely just rolled my eyes in response.

"You already know why you're here," he said, and rage burned in his eyes. "You killed one of my own-"

"I didn't kill him!" I snapped. "He fell trying to chase me, I tried to catch him-"

"Liar!" Taeyong roared, and backhanded me. The sting barely fazed me. "You pushed Hansol off the building! We all saw it!"

"All you saw was him land on the ground," I argued. "You have no proof I pushed him!"

"I don't need proof," he snarled. "You already had ill intentions when you were stealing from us, so who's to say you wouldn't take out anyone who discovered you? Hansol found you and you killed him as a result."

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