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"So, there was nothing to say who they were?" Eunkwang asked.

"Nothing," Chan answered. "Their faces were covered, and the vehicles had nothing remarkable about them."

"I could try pull up cctv in the area," Felix suggested, then paused. "But then again, they probably used fake plates."

Every single member of Skz, Btob and Atz were all currently crammed into the medical room whilst the four of us who had been in the car got our minor wounds seen to by the doctors. We had been discussing the attack, and who the assailants might have been.

"I think the only logical explanation is they're someone who has something against Skz," Hongjoong said, thinking. "This didn't seem like a random attack."

"Yeah, considering they were following us and trying to run us off the roads, it was definitely targeted," Changbin said.

"But that could be any number of groups," Chan sighed in frustration. "And there's nothing we could use to narrow it down."

"We're just going to have to be more vigilant when going out," Minho murmured as he cleaned the cuts on Chan. "At least until we find out who it is."

"I wonder if it's personal?" Seonghwa said. "Like against any one of you in particular?"

That thought had already crossed my mind. What if it was me they had been after? After all, the first shots were at Chan and I in the cemetery. But then again, he's also the leader, and a lot could be gained from taking out a leader of a powerful mafia group.

"What, like one of the girls Chan brought home then ditched?" Peniel joked, and some of the others snickered.

"Probably feeling salty and wanting revenge," Wooyoung laughed.

Some of the guys then started making jokes about how it was one of Chan's one night stands, and how they were disappointed by him in bed or that they were sore lovers that they couldn't be with him.

I, though, did not like these jokes at all. It brought a dark cloud over my head, and I was trying my best to block them out. It wasn't quite jealousy that got to me; he was mine now after all. It was more of the fact of the reminder that there had been other girls, and that they were so easily talking and laughing about them. Well, not all the guys were anyway. Mingi had been the one cleaning up my cuts, and as he finished up he was watching my expression, with a bit of a sad one on his face; he could tell what I was feeling. He raised an eyebrow in silent question; did I want him to tell them to shut up? I shook my head and stood up, sighing. It was probably better I left the situation.

Silently, I passed a few of them to get to the door, and as I was leaving I heard Chan snap at them to shut up; he didn't seem too happy about it either.

I wasn't that far through the mansion before someone caught up to me, but it wasn't who I might've expected.

"Alex!" Eunkwang said as I reached the bottom of the stairs in the foyer.

I sighed and stopped, turning to him as I waited.

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern. I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, stupid question, I'm sorry, you're obviously not okay."

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