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When I finally came to, it wasn't pleasant, and honestly, rather sudden and harsh. Cold water was splashed into my face, making me gasp in shock and instantly react in panic. However, when I tried to move, I found that my hands and legs were tied to a wooden chair I was sitting on.

It was a natural instinct for me to try and struggle out of the ropes restraining me, but they were tight and only ended up giving me some painful rope burn.

"Struggle all you want," someone said, and I looked up to see Changbin standing in front of me. "You're not going anywhere."

On either side of him were Minho and Jeongin. I vaguely noticed we were in a small, empty stone room... or rather, a cell with a single light hanging from the ceiling. In the latter two's hands were buckets. From the way my clothes, hair, and skin were soaked, I had a feeling it wasn't the first time they had tried to wake me.

"Bit of a rude awakening, no?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

Changbin tutted and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not in the mood for your quips," he glared. "You're going to tell us where the information you stole off us is."

"Ah yeah, sure," I snorted, shaking my head.

"Do it, and we won't kill you," Jeongin said quietly.

"Kill me, and you won't know," I said nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. "If I told you, there'd be no use in keeping me alive, especially as I know things about you all. Therefore, I'm not talking."

"She has a point," Minho sighed, wrinkling his nose in frustration.

Changbin stepped towards me, leaning over me with his hands on the back of the chair by my shoulders.

"Tell us," he breathed. "And I won't make your stay here painful."

I huffed out a small snort, then spat at him, making him flinch.

"Try me," I snarled.

Changbin growled as he wiped his face, made to turn around, but in a second he'd whipped around back to me, his fist colliding with my face. My head snapped to the side as I gasped in shock, and it took a few seconds before the pain kicked in, making me grit my teeth.

"This won't be pretty if you carry on," he glowered.

I just stared back at him with a glare of my own, keeping eye contact with him until he broke it off first, turning to the other two as he did.

"She clearly isn't going to budge any time soon," he said, and they nodded.

"Chan said we can do what we need to," Minho informed him. "Just don't kill her or maim her to a point she can't speak."

"Understood," Changbin replied.

As he turned back to me, I got ready to spit at him again, but he must've guessed what I was about to do and put his hand over my mouth. His other hand moved to cup my cheek as he leaned in close again.

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