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Third person p.o.v

The Btob guys froze in shock for a few seconds as they watched Alex get hit by the car, her body flying a few feet in the air and when she crashed down to the ground, she was unmoving. The guys only snapped out of it when they saw people get out of the car that hit Alex.

It was Nct, and they were headed for her.

Eunkwang took the lead as he pulled out his gun and began firing at Nct, his men quickly joining him.

"They can't take her!" Peniel said in a slight panic as they took cover, Nct returning fire. "Not now when we almost have her back!"

"Then let's deal with these bastards," Minhyuk said in determination.

However, there was only six of Btob, and many more of Nct. Within a minute Alex had been picked up and placed into one of their cars, which zoomed off with the others despite Btob firing shots at them.

"Dammit!" Sungjae said in frustration.

"They have her again," Changsub said in despair.

"She was so close," Peniel whispered.

"All of you, listen to me," Eunkwang said, and they all looked to their leader. "We will get her back to Skz, no matter what. We won't let them get away with this."

"They've been out in the open against their will, I'm guessing," Hyunsik said. "Maybe we can find a trail or something on cameras."

"Good idea," Minhyuk nodded, then grimaced. "But first we need to tell Chan."

"I'll make the call," Eunkwang sighed.


"Fuck!" Chan roared, throwing his phone at the wall.

The other Skz members flinched at the loud sound of the phone breaking into pieces, but they all exchanged glances of despair. From what they'd heard whilst Chan was on the phone with Eunkwang, Alex had been so close to returning to them, but Nct had gotten to her once more.

"Chan, calm down!" Minho went to the leader and grabbed him by the shoulders.

Chan, however, surprised Minho by wrapping his arms around his best friend and breaking down into his shoulder. Though in shock, the younger held Chan in his embrace and patted his back soothingly.

"Breathe," Minho murmured, calming the older. Of course Minho had seen Chan upset before, but he'd always refrained from letting the other members see it until now. They all looked at each other in surprise, but their hearts hurt at seeing Chan so upset.

"They took her again," Chan mumbled into Minho's shoulder. "She's hurt bad, they said she didn't look good."

"I know," Minho whispered, swallowing his own anxiety at the thought. "But we'll get her back, yeah? No matter what. And you heard what they said, that there's a chance we can find them using cctv and such."

"You're right," Chan sniffled, taking a few deep breaths and pulling away from Minho. "I'm sorry, Min." He looked at the others. "I'm sorry to you all, you shouldn't have to see me like this."

"Don't worry about it, mate," Felix assured. "We understand completely."

"We're worried for Lex too," Hyunjin said quietly. "We're ready for anything you'll have us do to get her back."

"Thank you," Chan said gratefully. "Together we'll bring Alex back to her family."


*The day after*

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