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It didn't take me long to open up all the information on the usb, even if there was a lot of data on there. Once unlocked, Jisung took over again, going through all the folders I had previously arranged meticulously according to each mafia group I had gained information on.

"There's so much," Jisung murmured in surprise as he clicked away. "How long have you been gathering all this?"

"Ten years," I answered quietly, sitting cross-legged on the chair.

I hadn't been given any other instructions to go back to my room or anything, so I stayed with Jisung until I was told otherwise. It didn't seem like he minded either.

"Ten years?" he repeated in surprise. "You've been doing this work for ten years? Wouldn't you have been a teenager when you started?"

"Mhm," I nodded. "I was about fourteen, going on fifteen."

"But... why?" he asked curiously. "Did you not have a family or anything?"

"My parents left me when I was a baby," I sighed. "So I was raised in an orphanage. Suffice to say it wasn't a great upbringing, hence my introduction to the mafia world."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jisung said quietly. "And your halmoni?"

"I met Ms Choi a year or two after I started my work," I answered, my heart hurting a little at the mention of the sweet old lady. "I had run away from the orphanage, not that it mattered much since I would've left when I was sixteen, but I was out of a place to live. One rainy night, I was trying to look for some shelter, and I heard a commotion in an alleyway. Me being the curious one I am, I went to check it out. It was Ms Choi, she was being harassed for money by these thugs. It made me angry they were doing that to an old lady, so I kinda just attacked them. It wasn't easy as I was smaller than them, they managed to knock me out, took Ms Choi's money, and bolted. When I woke up, I was in Ms Choi's home, she'd brought me back to care of me, she asked me about myself, about where I lived and who my family was... when I told her the truth, she basically forced me to stay in the empty apartment above hers in the building she owned. I tried to argue against it, telling her I wasn't safe to be around, but she said she didn't care what I did, as long as I didn't do anything that endangered her." I smiled a little. "She quickly became the first ever person that was like family to me, the first ever person to care for and love me; she didn't have a family of her own either, so that's probably why we meant so much to each other." I peered at Jisung, who I could tell was listening, but still also focused on the screens in front of him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to give a life story."

"No, no, it's fine!" he said with a smile. "I like hearing people's stories, and it sounds like you have an interesting one." He sighed. "Though it does sadden me you've had to go through so much."

"I don't really think about it usually," I admitted. "I kind of just keep going, you know?"

"I get it," he nodded. "I hope you come to trust us and work with us, I think it would be good to have you around."

"Trust is hard when it's not returned," I said wryly. "Like you said earlier, the others don't trust me, Chan certainly doesn't."

"I know," he sighed. "And I get it, you stole from us, tricked us, yadda yadda... but I have a feeling that if they gave you a chance, and you gave us a chance, it could work out nicely."

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