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Third person p.o.v

"No!" Chan growled, his adrenaline running at an all-time high. "We're going to get her! With me!"

Chan was instantly running, his team following close behind as they went down more stairs. Minho spoke through comms as they ran.

"Everyone, we just had intel that Alex is being moved," he said, slightly out of breath. "A chopper is going to land in the back and take Taeyong and Alex out of here. If you're able, do what you can to try and intercept them!"

When they reached the ground floor they were met by more hostiles, who turned and fired on them, but in a rage, Chan roared as he charged towards them, endlessly firing his gun until enough were down that he could progress through the corridors. His heart was thumping like crazy in his chest, anxiety and determination urging him on. More Nct guards met him on his way through the mansion to the back, and though he cursed them for wasting time, he just kept on pulling the trigger, only seeing red. At one point his assault rifle ran out of ammo, but he just chucked it to the side and pulled out his pistol.

"Come on, come on," he muttered as the last person in the kitchen fell.

Out through the backdoor he went into a brightly lit backyard. Ahead, he could hear and see a chopper descending, with people heading towards it. With a jolt he realised one of them was Alex, though she seemed to be restrained and being dragged by Taeyong. An anger that Chan had never felt before burned inside, making him feel as if he was about to explode.

"Chan!" he heard to his right.

Minho had caught up to him, and along with him were a number of others from both air and ground teams, looks of determination on their faces. Chan had never been more grateful for his friends as he was then.

The increased numbers were needed, as there were still some guards in between them and Alex. Everyone readied their weapons, waiting for Chan. When the Skz leader started charging forward with a yell, they all followed, firing at the enemy, only moving forward towards their target.

It didn't take long to take all the guards out, and by now the helicopter was hovering low enough they could feel the wind created by the blades, the noise loud in their ears. Chan turned to find Alex, and after a second he found her... with a gun to her head.

"Don't come any closer!" Taeyong yelled as Chan angrily stepped forward, but was stopped by Minho. The state Alex was in made his heart break. Battered, bloodied and bruised, barely standing up.

"Let her go!" Chan roared, lifting his gun, but once again Minho pulled it back down with a stern look.

"I won't hesitate to pull this trigger," Taeyong was saying. "If you value her life, you'll let me escape, or I will blow her fucking brains out!"

Taeyong took a step towards the chopper, watching their reactions warily as he dragged Alex with him. A whimper left her lips at the pain she was in, and Chan could see this, a lump in his throat as he tried not to panic.

"Please!" he yelled without thinking. "Just give her back to me!"

"Oh, look at that," Taeyong laughed. "This whole time I've been trying to get your girl to beg, but now it's you who does. I thought I'd never see the day that the Bang Chan begs." He snorted in amusement. "You've gone soft, Chan, and for what? A girl? You're one of the strongest leaders and this is what happens when a girl appears?" Taeyong's mocking face was making it hard for Chan not to lose his cool. "No, I can't give her back... she's coming with me."

"No!" Chan yelled in despair as Taeyong was now right next to the chopper. Chan was about to lose Alex all over again, and he felt his heart shattering into a million tiny pieces.

Out of nowhere, there was loud shot, and blood suddenly spurted from Taeyong as he screamed in pain... and he let go of Alex as he collapsed. Chan was shocked at the sudden turn of events, but as Alex stumbled towards him, the relief was overwhelming as he moved forward to catch her in his arms.

"Chan!" she gasped, tears already flowing down her cheeks as she clung onto her boyfriend.

"Oh Alex!" he mumbled into her hair, his own tears falling.

Chan could never describe how he felt to have Alex back in his arms, it was all so overwhelming. This is what he'd been missing this whole time, this is what he needed in his life... because Alex was his life.

Alex's p.o.v

All of it had been worth it. All the pain, all the torture, because it had meant I was alive, alive that I was able to see my love again and be in his arms. For a second I thought it was too late, that they wouldn't reach us in time, or that Taeyong would actually kill me or take me with him. I'd have to find whoever shot him with the sniper and thank them immensely.

I noticed the sound of the chopper beginning to lift off again, and with a frown I looked up to see it was indeed ascending... with Taeyong in it, still alive somehow, but aiming a gun at us-

"No!" I screamed in terror.

With all the strength I had left, I shoved Chan away from me as I heard a gunshot... and something hit me in my chest, making me gasp in shock. Pain spread through me as I felt warm blood spreading across my skin rapidly. My eyes found Chan, who looked confused for a second until he saw the wound.

"Alex!" he yelled in horror.

Chan caught me as I stumbled, black dots already encompassing my vision. No! This isn't how I wanted to go! Not now, not when I'd been reunited with the one person that meant the most to me...

Vaguely I could hear Chan yelling at others in panic and telling me to stay with him, holding me close as his tears fell. Don't cry, I wanted to say, but the words wouldn't come out. It hurt to see him like this.

My hand found his cheek as I felt a sense of defeat coursing through me; this was it. There was so much I wanted to say to him, but I was out of time as I could feel myself being pulled under, so I settled on the one thing that meant the most...

"I love you."



Welp... 😶

Only the epilogue left 🥲

Big hugs 🫶🏻


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