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After taking some time going through the computers, I'd found all the info and data I needed and put it all on a blank USB stick. This took some time, but somehow, no one had yet caught me or even had any suspicion. Everything was still quiet.

Once it was all on the USB, I safely tucked it into the pocket of my denim jeans. I turned off the computers, made sure to leave the place as I left it, and then left the room.

Back out in the corridor, I looked at the other doors thoughtfully. I had the info I came for, but maybe they had other stuff worth getting information about?

So, I took the decoder gadget off from where I had placed it and put it next to another keypad.

Thankfully, this one didn't take as long, as five minutes later, it beeped again, a green light on the keypad.

Glancing around me to make sure I was still safe, I began pushing the door open. However, I only got a glimpse of a large armoury of guns before I suddenly sensed something bad happening.

With a gasp, I quickly stepped back as something fell from the ceiling. Luckily, I managed to avoid it hitting the majority of me, but unluckily, it caught my arm.

"Fuck!" I hissed in pain.

It was some kind of barbed wire net, which part of it had entangled around my forearm painfully. As well as this, a loud alarm had started, no doubt to signify an intruder.

I had to get out asap.

Trying not to panic, I reached for my clutch which was on the ground. The wire dug more into my flesh as I stretched out, but I had to ignore the pain. Thankfully I reached my clutch, and with one hand I got out my small but strong wire cutter, something that I usually had for small locks that weren't technical. With it, I quickly and carefully cut the metal wire that attached my hand to the rest of it. Once it was cut through, I swiftly unravelled the rest from around my hand and forearm, albeit painfully as blood was now dripping from various cuts.

I began to hear voices shouting on the floors above, and I knew I was out of time. Abandoning my shoes and my clutch, I quickly ran back down the corridor and up the stairs. Thankfully the entrance to the basement floor was not far from the main foyer. I had no time to find another exit.

Though I was trying to be quick, I still took a second or two to check my surroundings were clear as I moved. Thankfully they were up until I reached the front door in the large foyer.

"Hey!" An angry voice shouted from the top of the stairs.

Not even turning to see who it was, I dashed for the front door handle as I heard a loud bang.

Pain seared in my thigh as a bullet skimmed it, just about avoiding going into the flesh completely; if I hadn't moved quicker, I wouldn't be able to walk right now.

Gritting my teeth through the pain, I pulled open the door and bolted out into the dark night, the cool air nipping at my exposed skin.

Another gunshot, but this time the bullet only went whizzing past me as I sprinted down the driveway. However, up ahead I saw flashlights, and knew it was likely the guards that had been at the gate and had heard the commotion.

I cursed under my breath, and dove through the bushes and trees that lined the driveway. Hopefully it would be easier to lose them in these trees.

Somehow they still managed to find where I was, but as I was now full on sprinting, adrenaline spurring me on, I was quickly losing them. That is, up until I reached a tall stone wall that was most likely a perimeter around the grounds.

Glancing behind me, I saw flashlights in the distance, slowly coming my way, voices shouting to each other as they searched for me.

Knowing I didn't have much time, I swiftly scaled a tall tree that was closest to the wall. Up high into the branches I went, and as I looked down I could see that I could easily make it over the wall... as long as I didn't break any bones from the high jump.

The flashlights and torches were now much closer, and I knew I didn't have any other choice.

Internally groaning, I inched myself along a solid branch that went a little over the wall, and I prepared myself to jump.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweetheart," a voice called up to me, and I instantly recognised it as Chan's. "It's a very big drop."

I glanced down to see him staring up at me with a glare, and a slight hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"I'll take my chances," I shrugged with a grin.

Without another word, I leaped off the branch into the air, and as I fell I tucked myself into a ball, so when I reached the ground I rolled, making the impact less severe.

After a quick check for any broken bones, I was satisfied it was only going to be bruises, and quickly got to my feet and sprinted away.

Thankfully as I ran there were no more people behind me, but to be sure I avoided main roads. Plus it was still dark, so that should have made it more difficult for them.

Part of me was mentally cursing at how wrong the situation had gone. Sure, I'd gotten what I wanted, but my damned curiosity got me injured and almost caught, plus now I was on Skz's hit list... well, Meg was at least, hopefully they'd never recognise the real me.

Perhaps I could even hope I'd never have to run into them again.



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