Chapter 15: Morfosis

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CW// unsafe binding


Remus waited until the evening to try it on so he could undress within the safety of his four poster bed. The sports bra was a little hard to put on, but he took his time, and finally: his chest was flat.

He put his shirt back on so he could check how it looked in the mirror, and he was ecstatic by the results. His chest was as flat as any other boy, completely unnoticeable. He almost wanted to cry, but willed himself not to. Someone could walk into the bathroom at any moment, and they'd definitely notice him crying, so he just gave one more look in the mirror, composed himself, and went to join the others.

To him, his chest felt noticeable, but this time in a good way. A part of him almost wanted people to point it out, wanted them to say "hey, your chest is looking particularly flat today." It was hard not being able to share his excitement with anyone, but then... they all thought his chest was flat because he was a boy, and that was a nice feeling.

Remus attempted to take Madam Pomfrey's advice. He took his binder off every night— a nickname he had already given it since he didn't like calling it a bra— and he stretched his arms after taking it off to relive his muscles. He also definitely took it off before the full moon. In the gaps between wearing it, he'd just wear a number of layers to hide his chest, walking with a slightly bent posture so his clothes didn't outline his body, and it was a hassle. His binder just made him so happy when he wore it.

Would it really be a big deal not taking it off?

He could breathe fine, it didn't feel that tight. He knew to take it off before transforming, but every other time? So what if he wore it in bed? Surely Madam Pomfrey was just being overly cautious.

On the day of the full moon, he didn't take it off at all, right up until the last minute before he snuck out of the dorm room to make his way to the Whomping Willow, despite the fact that the day's activities had been rather full on: it was Holi, according to James— a very important festival, celebrating the coming of spring. The night before, another bonfire had been planned for Holika Dahan, and James wanted more people to join in, so he invited the entire dorm, and even Snape tagged along with little grumbling from James, although somewhat from Severus who was only there because Lily had made him.

Like on Lohri, they all threw things onto the bonfire, although this time it was just wood and sticks, which James had been collecting for a few days prior, so there was a big mound for everyone to take from. James insisted that they had to dance around the bonfire, and sing if they could. Severus outright refused, but the rest of them went all out, getting stuck in, especially James and Sirius, who made as much noise as they could. In between this cacophony, James told them what the bonfire meant, signifying the burning of Holika— an evil goddess, which is why people would throw stuff on the bonfire to burn.

The late night caused them to wake up slightly later than usual, but that day was full of even more action. Holi was the festival of colours, after all, a day to basically smear packets of colour all over everyone and drench them in water.

A day which involved James Potter and Sirius Black.

No one was safe. Remus was the first to experience it. James and Sirius hadn't told anyone else about the day, as a surprise. So while Remus was rushing to class that morning he was suddenly ambushed, and before he knew it, his hair was covered in purple, his face bright green. James explained what was happening, so Remus couldn't get too annoyed, especially once he joined in himself. Soon their whole class was a mixture of reds and yellows and blues.

Once they were outside, during break, they widened their festivities, and half the school were walking to class looking like a rainbow had exploded all over them. It was great fun; Remus couldn't remember the last time he'd laughed non-stop for an entire day, and it didn't end with the colours.

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