Chapter 50: Commentator

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Remus went to find Myfanwy almost as soon as he'd left the hospital wing. He wanted to apologise for blowing her off at the beginning of the year, and just to talk to her anyway about coming out to Jethro. She hadn't visited him in the infirmary, so he was worried she was angry at him. He found her in the library, sheltering from the pouring rain outside.

"Hey," greeted Remus. Myfanwy looked up from what she was reading and smiled politely back.

"Hello." Remus sat down opposite her.

"I'm sorry for acting like I've been ignoring you," he began. "I haven't, I was just... having a bad week."

"Yeah, I heard. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. You?"

"I'm alright. Jethro's still my friend, so that's good."

"I'm glad. I was really happy for you when I got your letter." Myfanwy put her book down, clearly wanting to start up a conversation that had been on her mind. Now that Remus had apologised, she was free to finally talk to him the way she'd wanted to when school started.

"It felt amazing, but... it's all so fast, you know? There's still a part of me trying to deny that I'm trans, so coming out to Jethro felt... intense."

"Do you regret it?"

"No! No, I don't." She sighed. "I want to tell my sister, but what's the point? We only really talk around my parents, and I can never tell my parents."

"Do you want to tell more people?"

"See, that's the thing! I don't know, because it feels like too much but at the same time, I like being called a girl, and no one can do that. You and Jethro can, but only in private and it doesn't feel like enough."

"I'm sorry I can't really help you here. It's about what you feel like doing, and I can't tell you what that is."

"I know." She tapped her fingers lightly on the cover of her book. "The others in our dorm, are you sure they'd be okay with me?" Remus shrugged.

"I can only go off by their reaction to me, and they were fine. Except Peter, but he's fine now too."

"Maybe I could tell Lily. I like Lily. I like the girls in the girls' dorm." She stared at the book, her hand still. She looked almost wistful. "Do you think there'd ever be a chance for me to move dorms?"

"You'd probably have to ask McGonagall or Dumbledore or someone." Myfanwy didn't reply. "Do you want to move dorms?"

"I don't know. I like being with you guys, and I like being with Jethro. But... I think being with the girls would make me happy too."

"Well, we can figure it out. Telling at least one of them is probably a start." Myfanwy nodded.

"I'll think about it."


February came round, and as it did, so too did an opportunity for Remus to commentate his first proper Quidditch match. Madam Hooch approached him at lunch time, outside in the grounds, and informed him that Trevor Blake was ill, and wouldn't be available for tomorrow's match.

"Madam Pomfrey's keeping him inside for a day or two," said Madam Hooch, shaking her head slightly as if she disapproved of Madam Pomfrey's overprotectiveness. "Can you do it?" Remus nodded enthusiastically before he could even stop to think.

"I'd love to do it!" It was only a few minutes after Madam Hooch had walked away that he began to spiral into a panic, however. Tomorrow? In front of the whole school? Oh, Merlin...

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