Chapter 70: Snape

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James said that he had a new idea for the map.

"You said once it'd be useful if the map could actually see people coming and stuff, so that you don't bump into anyone," he explained to Remus. They were all in the library, the four of them, Remus finally getting to join in with their antics. They had the map spread out on the table, and they were sitting in the furthermost corner of the library to avoid being bothered.

"And you figured out how to do that?" Remus asked.

"I read about the Homonculous charm in one of my books... Well, it wasn't one of my books, it was a seventh year book, but it tracks every person in a particular area."

"Seventh year?" remarked Sirius. "Bit advanced, isn't it?" James shrugged.

"I enjoyed it," he replied, bluntly. "It doesn't seem too complicated, with a bit of practice." He rummaged around his schoolbag, pulling out the book he was talking about. It was a curriculum book, but strictly for seventh years. He turned to the page outlining the Homonculous charm and slid it over to the others so they could read through it. Sirius was the first to respond.

"Yeah, it seems alright," he said. Remus and Peter blinked at both of them.

"Are you insane?" exclaimed Remus. "I can barely understand a word of this."

"Yeah, this looks ridiculously hard. There's no way we can do this."

"Me and Sirius can work on this," said James. "You can... get us snacks."

"Oh thanks, what a role," remarked Peter sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"I'm joking, you and Remus can help. The charm can't be that hard."

"Easy for you to say," muttered Remus. He was clearly useless at the moment, and reading through the seventh year charms book was making him feel even more inferior in light of James and Sirius's natural skill at charms. "I can't even do accio."

"I thought you'd perfected it now," replied Peter.

"Most of the time, but I'm sure it depends on mood. Sometimes I just can't do it."

"You'll get there," comforted James. "It is hard to do charms if you can't concentrate. It's lucky I enjoy them so much, otherwise I'd be crap at it."

"If you can't do the Homunculus charm, it's not a big deal," continued Sirius, to both Remus and Peter. "It is difficult. I'm sure me and James will probably fail at it too."

"Well, me and Peter can be here for support, and it will be cool to have a map that tracks everyone in the castle. It'll certainly be useful for full moons." Remus was glad that they had finally found something that they could all be involved with, even if there wasn't much he could do to help. He wanted to be more involved though, perhaps to overcompensate for being left out of their other mysterious trips to the library, so he stayed up until well into the morning studying the section in the seventh year book on the Homonculous charm. It really was complicated, far too advanced for him, but he wanted to prove to himself and his friends that his magic was just as good as theirs. If they could do it, so could he.

It did get in the way of his other studies though, which was the last thing he needed, and staying up so late was by no means a good idea when he already struggled to stay awake in class. It wasn't long before his friends figured out what he was doing.

"You don't have to prove anything to us," assured James, when he, Sirius and Peter had caught him sitting up in the common room, scowling at his charms book. "We know your magic's good. Doing a random seventh year charm isn't going to change that."

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