Chapter 94: Rocky

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Cw// intense body dysphoria, brief but non-graphic mentions of sex and sexual imagery, internalised acephobia.


Jethro lived in Hampstead, in the north-west of London. It was quite a lovely area, filled with shops and tall houses and tree-lined roads which looked almost picturesque on a Summer's day. Jethro himself lived just outside the city centre, in a relatively secluded road of thin, brick houses. Jethro had invited practically everyone in Gryffindor, and they were all arriving in different ways, since Jethro didn't have a proper fireplace so they weren't able to floo into his house. Remus, James, Sirius and Peter went via the Leaky Cauldron and got the train the rest of the way. Lily tagged along otherwise she would have had to travel the muggle way all the way down from Scotland, which wasn't worth it just to watch a film.

Jethro greeted them at the door. Remus recognised his house from the mezuzah on the front, similar to the one Jethro had placed on the doorway of the dorm room all the way back in first year. He let them all inside, and his mother came to greet them all. Remus had never properly met Jethro's mum before, except for brief glances and polite exchanges at King's Cross. She was all smiles right now, promoting introductions and ushering them into the living room. Jethro was clearly excited to show them around, and they were all just as curious.

The house was neat and tidy, rather reminiscent of what Remus's house looked like before his mother got sick. There were shelves of books and everything was stylised in the typical fashion of the 1970s of orange and brown walls against starkly patterned materials and textured ceilings. It could be said that the beige wallpaper and the yellow, flower-patterned curtains made the house look like it had never been occupied by anyone under the age of sixty.

Which made Jethro's bedroom stick out dramatically in contrast. Remus had always had the impression that Jethro was relatively calm and quiet compared to the rest of them, a bit like Remus but without the constant mental turmoil causing him to be slightly uptight and irresponsible. Jethro was usually the more reasonable voice of the group and the more relaxed, which meant that Remus had never really imagined him as anything other than that.

His room, on the other hand, told a completely different story. It was rather messy, for starters, clothes sitting around on chairs and magazines laying around on the carpet. Remus caught site of quite a few film magazines, stuff that he'd be genuinely interested in reading. The walls of his room were covered in film posters, some having been meticulously framed such as Dr Strangelove and Psycho while other posters looked worn and ripped, falling off the walls and hanging on by a single strip of tape. Everything he owned seemed to have something on the front of it, whether it was a Snoopy mug on his desk or a Scooby Doo t-shirt thrown over the headboard of his bed. Clearly, Jethro was a fan of film and cartoons, and Remus had had no idea. He was frankly a little hurt that Jethro had never shared this part of himself with any of them, except— Remus assumed— Myfanwy. Then again, it wasn't as if they'd shown much interest before.

"Sorry it's so messy," remarked Jethro awkwardly. "I forgot to clean up." James scoffed.

"This is nothing," he replied. "You should see my room." He sat himself down on the floor, in front of the TV that stood across from the bed. He picked up one of the magazines out of interest.

"Didn't know you were into all this sort of stuff," he said, browsing through an article about new summer releases.

"Oh yeah, I've always loved films and stuff," returned Jethro, standing in front of his VHS player and switching it on.

"And comics," said Peter, who was standing in front of a bookshelf, reading a graphic novel he'd picked out from the stacks of other comics it held. He was frowning at the contents. "Why is it all backwards? Nothing makes sense." Jethro tutted and marched over, putting his hands on his hips. Peter ignored him.

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