Chapter 67: Girls

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Remus had to spend the following morning visiting multiple offices. He had to go to Madam Pomfrey's office for a routine check-up; yes, he was feeling okay enough to return to Hogwarts. Yes, the Morfosis potion was still working. Yes, he was still keeping his chest flat with his binder, although he was relieved that he could return to using magic now that he was back at Hogwarts. And yes, the last full moon had gone fine. She let him go after twenty minutes, with an encouraging pat on the back. He left the infirmary and changed course to McGonagall's office.

"Ah, Mr Lupin," she greeted once he had knocked on her door and she had granted permission for him to enter. "How are you?"

"I'm... fine." She smiled, a surprisingly warm smile, and offered him a chair to sit on. Remus sat down, and waited for her to continue.

"Now, your father has already owled me and explained to me that you're behind in your classes, for obvious reasons." Remus nodded. "I completely understand, so you're not in any trouble. However, we need to arrange a way for you to catch up."

"Do I have to take classes with the third years?" he asked. McGonagall adjusted her glasses, and gave no indication of her answer.

"What I want to do is have you take a test, just to see where you are in your studies, and then we can decide what to do from there."


"You're a smart boy, Mr Lupin, so I trust you'll do fairly well on the test. Chances are it may be enough just for you to stay after class and do extra work until you're up to the same level as everyone else."

"When do I have to take the test?"

"I was hoping later today, after you've had a day of normal lessons, which should also give a good indication of how much catching up you need to do."


"So, I'll see you at four o'clock, after your last lesson?" Remus nodded. "Good. Do you have any other questions?" Remus thought about it, but he was more anxious about making it to his first lesson in time; the last thing he needed was to skip even more of his classes.

"No, thank you."

"In that case, you are dismissed." Remus stood up, stood there slightly awkwardly for a second, thinking that he should say something else, but finally turned round and left. He had to jog slightly as soon as he was out of McGonagall's sight just to make sure he made it to his charms class in time. He met James and Peter outside the classroom door and they went inside, sitting as close to each other as they could. When Sirius entered they waved him over, but Marlene– who was sitting on the other side of the room– waved him over as well, and he gave his friends an apologetic look as he slid in next to his new girlfriend. Remus heard James sigh beside him.

"Typical," muttered James. "He snogs her once and now we don't even exist."

"He can't get in trouble with the missus," chuckled Peter. "Give him a break." James just crossed his arms to his chest and glanced at Sirius and Marlene every so often throughout the lesson. Remus tried to ignore it, and focused instead on the lesson, doing his best to keep up with the new topics. He wanted to prove to both McGonagall and himself that he didn't need extra classes, or at the very least, that the extra classes wouldn't last long. His determination wavered slightly as he became one of the only students in the class who hadn't managed to perform the Accio spell by the time the lesson ended.

Between classes, he explained to his friends what McGonagall had told him. Sirius wasn't there; he was walking with Marlene instead. Remus tried to pretend that this didn't bother him, but James wasn't having as much luck. He didn't even respond to Remus, and instead glared at the backs of Sirius and Marlene. Peter cleared his throat.

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