Chapter 43: Queer

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Sirius was a wreck the following day, and was really in no fit state to participate in any lessons. He couldn't remember much of what happened last night, so any questions demanded at him by his friends went mostly unanswered. What did you drink? Why did you drink so much? Where did you even get the alcohol from? Don't know, don't know, don't know. All he knew was that he was ridiculously thirsty and had a terrible headache.

"Just leave me here," he grumbled into his pillow. "If I stand up I'll die." James threw a pillow at the back of his head.

"Lazy bugger, we'll have to tell the teachers you're ill." The teachers accepted the excuse, although if they knew what sort of illness it was they would probably be much less approving. Remus, James and Peter checked up on Sirius throughout the day, and by the end of the evening– with Sirius still in bed– it really did seem to become more of a case of laziness than a hangover.

"Hope you're enjoying your day off," remarked James. "You have heaps of homework." Sirius groaned.

"Fuck oooooff." They left him in relative peace, although Remus quietly tried to talk to him a bit more.

"You sure you're alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The headache's nearly gone."

"I don't mean physically. I mean... I don't know. You didn't just get drunk for no reason, and you've barely moved all day. Are you sure everything's okay?" Sirius lifted his head up long enough to gaze at Remus, long enough to look like he was about to say something. But he lowered his head.

"I'm fine."


The first trip to Hogsmeade was upon them, and the third years were simmering with excitement. They'd all been desperate to explore Hogsmeade ever since they'd arrived and finally they were allowed to go. Even Sirius had his signed permission form, and it seemed to be the only thing keeping him cheerful. Remus hoped it would last. He didn't like seeing his friend so solemn all the time, even if Sirius did try to hide it. The whole getting drunk scenario may have been more of a cry for help than they realised, but Sirius was trying to move on from it by pretending it never happened. For fear of setting him off, the others played along. Remus didn't know if that was wise or not.

On the day of the visit, after handing their permission slips to McGonagall, the third years headed to Hogsmeade as one– very loud– group, but soon started to split up as they got nearer to the village, and different interests were piqued. Lily stuck with the boys for once, along with Marlene, but they soon separated with Owain. Most of the students' first destination was of course the sweet shop.

"Brilliant," breathed James, staring at the brightly-coloured selection in awe. "I've never seen so many sweets I haven't seen before."

"That makes no sense," replied Sirius. "Of course you haven't seen sweets you've never seen before." James paused to think.

"Well, then that means it does make sense." Sirius just rolled his eyes and picked up a handful of fizzing whizbees. Remus bought a licorice wand to suck on, until he spotted a sugar quill and the licorice wand hung out of his mouth, forgotten while he purchased the very realistic looking sweet. He joined James and Peter by the counter.

"Where's Sirius?" he asked in greeting. James didn't reply right away, because he was laughing at Remus.

"Are you sucking on a sugar quill and a licorice wand at the same time?"

"Yeah, and?" He laughed again.

"You looked daft."

"On the contrary, I've discovered a brand new flavour. Sugar licorice."

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