Chapter 115: Snape's Worst Memory

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The Defence Against the Dark Arts exam was easier than Remus had been expecting. He practically breezed through it, especially when he reached the questions about lycanthropy. It took all of his energy not to laugh out loud as he answered questions about himself, and by the time the exam had finished, Remus was in an excellent mood. He knew he'd guaranteed himself a good grade in DADA, at the very least, and he walked out of the Great Hall in high spirits, joking along with his friends and acting as if they hadn't just been stuck in an exam hall for the past two hours. It was hot, though, and Remus was relieved when they emerged into the courtyard, the cool breeze against his neck as he took his jumper off and tied it around his waist.

He and his friends wanted to sit by the big oak tree in the grounds, the prime spot to sit during the hot weather, especially after such an intense exam. They were desperate to get into the shade, which was probably why it angered James more than it should have when he saw none other than Snape sitting in their very spot, calmly reading a book. Remus saw the tell-tale look on James's face, and he tried to hold him back before James could even react. Remus silently pleaded with him to control himself, if only to not ruin their good moods.

"Come on, James, just leave it," said Remus. "We'll find somewhere else to sit." They were right beside the tree by this point, with James glaring at Snape until the boy was forced to look up from his book. He sneered at them, which was his best attempt at a smile.

"What do you want, Potter?" he drawled. James stepped forward.

"You're in our spot," he replied, his voice relatively level, but Remus could hear the dangerous undertone to it. He tried once again to drag James away before things began to escalate, but James stood his ground.

"You don't own the tree," said Snape, leaning back against the tree trunk lazily. "I was here first."

"Move your arse, Snivellus, or I'll make you." Sirius chuckled at the childish nickname, but Remus simply rolled his eyes.

"James, please, let's just go," he begged. He wanted to stay the hell away from Snape, ever since he had threatened Remus with such personal information back in the courtyard. Snape had so far said nothing since, but Remus was now walking on a thin line just to ensure that Snape had no reason to blackmail him, and if that meant physically restraining James, then so be it. Remus saw a malicious glint pass through Snape's eyes, as the Slytherin calmly raised his head to stare at them directly.

"That's right, Potter," he murmured, barely audible to anyone around them, but his next statement crashed through Remus's ears like thunder. "Listen to your little girlfriend." Judging by the steady, pointed look he gave to Remus, he knew exactly what his words meant, and Remus felt his chest squeeze painfully in response.

"Oh fuck you," spat James, taking his wand out in one quick motion. He pointed it between Snape's eyes. "You whining, snivelling, slimy bastard." Snape wasted no time in getting to his feet and attempting to draw his wand, but he wasn't quick enough before James shouted "Expelliarmus!" and his wand flew out of his hand.

"James!" Remus cried sharply, his brain rebooting into action as he recovered from the sting of Snape's words. It wasn't James he had to worry about, though, because Snape had angered Sirius even more with the "girlfriend" insult and Remus hadn't seen him take his own wand out until it was too late.

"Impedimenta!" Sirius shouted, pointing the wand at Snape and watching in satisfaction as the boy was thrown off his feet, landing with a dull thump onto the ground below.

"Stop!" Remus wanted to duel Snape as much as them, goddammit did he want to punch his face in over and over, but he didn't have the freedom to do so in the way that his friends did. Snape had information, which was far more dangerous than any spell any of them could come up with, and one wrong move could end up ruining Remus's life. The two didn't listen. They advanced closer and closer, James switching to his more spiteful nature of dealing with people he didn't like. He sometimes preferred insults to spells, and it was a side to him that Remus wasn't keen on. He riled people up, forced them to snap, and Snape's breaking point would no doubt catch Remus in the firing line.

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