Chapter 108: Marauders

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The next few weeks were spent in pretty much the same way, day after day. Remus's friends would visit whenever they got a chance, which Remus felt slightly guilty about, since they were using up their free time to study for the upcoming OWLs. Despite their assurances that it didn't matter, that Remus was more important to them, eventually he couldn't take the guilt, and they had no choice but to either spend their break times in the library, or to sit with him and study quietly. He preferred the latter. Usually it was Sirius, James and Peter who visited the most, or else it was Lily bringing along comic books for him to read. He found comic books easier than regular novels when he was so woozy from the painkillers he was taking, and Lily had some good comics. Doctor Who, the Beano, DC Superheroes, it was a surprising selection and Remus hadn't even been aware that Lily was into half of them.

Once Jethro found out that Remus was now receptive to the graphic novel genre of literature, he quickly stepped in, and offered him a few of the mangas he had. He sat with Remus, showing him how to read the comics from right to left. It was funny, because Jethro would hand him a graphic novel and then spend a good hour or so just reading along with him. Clearly, he was eager to share his favourite comics and he ended up getting just as invested in them as Remus did. Remus was surprised to find out how much he enjoyed the stories, and the art style was fascinating. It was far more detailed and realistic than the over-the-top, abstract comic books he was used to.

One of the mangas that Jethro was most nervous about sharing with him was one titled "The Heart of Thomas" and Remus recognised it from Jethro's bedroom. He had found the art style to be quite cute and pleasant to look at, but he soon discovered why Jethro was so nervous about it. The story itself was relatively basic, in that it sort of just followed the daily life of these students at an all-boys school, but what was interesting was that it also contained a gay love story between the main characters. It was probably the first book Remus had ever read that actually mentioned a gay romance in any way, so he was keen to read it.

Other than that, there wasn't much entertainment offered by the Hospital Wing. He was bored, and he wanted to sleep in his own bed and read his own books again. He complained to Madam Pomfrey about it, and she said he could move back to the dorm room when his chest had healed a bit more, so he didn't risk any complications. He still hadn't seen his chest, because Madam Pomfrey could change the bandages with a flick of her wand, without them even needing to be taken off, so he was stuck in the same position day after day. He was sometimes visited by Kay, who checked up on him, made sure he was comfortable and provided potions that would speed up the healing process in time for the next full moon. Remus would be able to see his chest by then, which was a relief, because he was worried that the first time he'd see it would be the following day after the full moon, which would take all the excitement out of it.

Soon enough, once Kay's potions began taking effect, he was moved to his dorm room. His friends made sure his bed was as comfortable as possible, a tower of pillows for him to lean against so he didn't have to lie on his back. It was much more fun in the dorm room, because his friends could get away with far more than they could in the Hospital Wing. Sirius put on music for him to listen to and James sneaked him up better food from the kitchens. There was also more to look at; he could watch his friends argue about something petty, or have his friends try to entertain him with various performances, or else he could just watch them wander around, doing stupid, yet entertaining things. He got to watch Dorcas attempt to pierce Sirius's ears, which went about as well as it could have, although Sirius was desperately trying to not let it show how much it actually hurt. He had insisted to James that he wouldn't even flinch, and he was clearly tensing every muscle in his body in an attempt to save face. James still made fun of him, but in Sirius's defence, he asked for way more piercings than James did. Remus handed him some of his own earrings, the most dangly and sparkly ones he had and Sirius happily paraded around in them.

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