Chapter 37: Scotland

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It took around an hour to apparate to James's house, because Remus and Lyall stopped off in a nearby town around halfway there to pick up a snack and get their bearings back. Lyall was good at apparating, sure, but it still took a toll on anyone, and Remus was by no means used to it yet.

When they finally arrived, Remus was sure they must have come to the wrong place, that Lyall had miscalculated the landing or something. They were stood in front of what could only be described as an estate. It was huge! It wasn't as big as Hogwarts, but it was certainly up there. It looked as if it could be used as a school, and Remus couldn't believe it was someone's house, let alone his friend's house.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?"

"Yep," replied Lyall. "Potter Manor. I told you it was big."

"Big? It's a mansion!" The front garden itself looked to be almost a mile long. It took them a good few minutes to walk up to the front door. As they got there, Lyall started fussing around Remus, smoothing down his shirt and flattening his hair.

"How do you manage to crease everything you wear?" He said irritably.

"We've been apparating all day, what do you expect?" Remus batted his father's hand away and rang the doorbell before Lyall could protest.

"Remember what I said," Lyall muttered quickly before the door opened. "Best behaviour, and don't break anything."

"I'll be alright." James was the one they had to worry about breaking things. The door opened as he finished his sentence and James himself stood there, bouncing on his feet excitedly.



"Come in, come in!" He took Remus by the arm and practically dragged him inside, although he was quickly stopped by his parents, who had appeared suddenly behind him.

"Not so fast, James," his mum said. "We haven't even met your friend yet."

"Oh right, this is Remus and this is his dad," he said impatiently. "Remus, this is my mum and dad." His mum shook Lyall's hand, and then Remus's. James's dad followed suit, and for a few minutes there was a whirl of greetings as everyone introduced themselves.

"I'm Fleamont," said Mr Potter, giving Remus a friendly but firm handshake.

"I'm Remus. Nice to meet you, sir." Mr Potter smiled at him, a warm smile that matched his son's. Mrs Potter introduced herself as Euphemia and the adults were soon engaged in conversation, but one which inexplicably required the children to remain. James was having none of that.

"Can we go now?" Asked James. "I want to show Remus my room."

"Would you like to come in for tea, Mr Lupin?" James's mother was asking Lyall, ignoring her son's pleas to leave.

"Oh... I'm not sure if–"

"You must! I don't think we've properly spoken before, have we?"

"We met your wife at the funeral last month," continued Mr Potter. "Hope, isn't it? She was lovely."

"Oh she's not–." but Lyall stopped himself and tugged at his collar. Lyall was still reluctant to let people know the state of his marriage, and Remus knew he was already uncomfortable at the thought of imposing anyway, but he also knew that his father would definitely agree to staying for a while. He wasn't about to pass up the opportunity to get to know such a prestigious wizarding family.

"I'd love to join you for tea," he eventually replied, with more confidence than he'd shown before.

"Excellent! The kitchen's just this way, and yes James you can leave now." James had been lightly pulling at his mother's robes to get her attention.

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