Chapter 105: Surprises

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CW// Remus revealing his unbound chest to Sirius. This action is entirely consensual, but may cause some people to feel uncomfortable, so take care.


Remus returned to the house to find his family sitting around the living room in fairly awkward silence. The dishes had been cleared away, the TV was back on as a distraction, and Sirius was nowhere to be seen.

"Your dinner's in the fridge if you want to heat it up," informed Lyall as Remus headed for the staircase.

"Yeah, thanks." He didn't stick around to discuss Selene, although Lyall appeared to be trying to forget about the whole altercation entirely. Remus found Sirius sitting up on his bed, continuing to read his book.

"Everything alright with Selene?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah, she's fine. You?"

"I'm alright, although I felt like I was intruding a bit downstairs. Family stuff and all." Remus sat down next to him and stretched out.

"I told you dinner with them was chaos. This honestly wasn't that out of the ordinary."

"Selene sure knows how to stand her ground," chuckled Sirius. "Is it bad that I was trying not to laugh the whole time?"

"I dunno, cos I was trying not to as well. I can't believe my dad thought for a single moment that that woman was straight."

"I've never seen a less unnecessary coming out in my life."

"God, I'm pretty sure even my grandfather knew." The two allowed themselves to laugh over it for a bit, until Remus remembered the conversation he'd had with Selene, and he tried to decide whether or not to tell Sirius about it. He didn't think Selene had sworn him to secrecy, but maybe it was more of an unspoken thing. He mentioned a few points to Sirius, leaving out as many details as possible, and decided not to mention the Order she'd told him about. He did mention Dumbledore, though.

"Selene said he might try to use me," explained Remus. "Since I'm a werewolf and all."

"Use you for what?" Remus shrugged.

"I have no idea." Sirius grinned.

"Maybe he wants you to bite Voldemort or something." Remus rolled his eyes.

"That's not funny."

"It is a little bit funny, if you think about it." Remus did think about it, picturing his wolf form biting Voldemort on the arse and hearing him let out an incredibly high-pitched scream. He snickered to himself. Alright, maybe it was quite funny.

"Anyway, the point is," continued Remus. "I don't trust the guy." Sirius whistled, low and slowly.

"That's a pretty bold statement to make about the so-called greatest wizard who ever lived."

"Well, if I had to choose between believing Selene and believing him, I believe Selene."

"Yeah, I believe her too, but she might have her own reasons." Remus frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, she might be biased," explained Sirius. "She hangs around people who don't like Dumbledore either."

"Yeah, but there's a reason they don't like Dumbledore, and coincidentally, they're all people like you and me."

"Yeah, but... Dumbledore's still the guy powerful enough to go up against Voldemort, and regardless what you think about him, isn't that more important?" Remus was quiet. He couldn't deny that it was a good point. "I'm not saying there's anything wrong with what Selene's doing, obviously, but realistically... who's going to be the one to defeat Voldemort at the end of the day?"

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