chapter 72

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1 week later

Alesandro and Sienna were together. And it wasn't hard to figure out, yet they denied it still.

Sienna was moving back to her apartment today and it had ruined everyone's mood.

Publicly it was hard for Sienna because of how well known the family were and even though pictures in any media source weren't allowed, it wouldn't stop gossip or anything like that. So being in the Russo home was like the perfect little bubble.

Alesandro's children didn't ask but they knew. And each one of them saw how much more happier their father was, particularly Damon and Mason. Being the two eldest children meant they remembered the most, they remember how badly it broke their dad when Alice left with the twins. They remembered how he was always happy around them but as they grew up they started to see he was still very much a broken man.

His behaviour or attitude hadn't changed much, he still put his kids first, he had still made sure to talk to them about their days and be there for them. But he didn't constantly work.

All of the siblings were sad to see Sienna leave so much so that each one visited her separately to give her their number or to simply say goodbye. Each telling her not to tell the others.
Matteo and Emilia chose to hug her after giving her their number. They told her how much they'd miss her.

With Matteo, Sienna told him she'd still try make food for him but if he was ever struggling he should talk about it with his dad.

With Emilia, who was worried she'd turn cold and distant, she reassured her.

Mason was straight forward. He told her to look after herself and if she needed anything to call him.

Dante had been nervous, he didn't want to seem weak but he wanted to keep in contact with her. Her presence was comforting at times.
He told her how he didn't do goodbyes, and he looked so unsure that Sienna had hugged him. And of course Dante hugged her back, he then pulled away telling her not to tell the others. He told her how she wasn't too bad and that he might even miss her. Which was a big compliment coming from Dante.

Damon was a lot more formal though. He had been the last to see her out of his siblings. When he entered he looked stressed but covered it with a smile.
"Well you have my number, if you run into any trouble you need fixing I'll happily sort it" he said.

"I'll miss you too Damon" Sienna said.

"I never said I'd miss you " Damon replied.

"Then why are you here" Sienna questioned.

"It's common courtesy to say goodbye to guests" he replied.

"Is it also common courtesy to say that you'll sort out any issues your guests have in the future" she asked.

Damon smiled slightly, "I won't miss you Sienna as I suspect this won't be the last time you come to stay"

"You know" Sienna stated. They had been trying to keep it from them as they didn't want to get the kids hopes up.

"I do. And thank you for making my dad so much more happier. I think we all know but no one wants to ask in fear they are mistaken" he replied.

"Goodbye Sienna, I'm sure I'll see you around shortly" Damon said and walked away.

He was happy for his dad, his dad had spent 25 years dedicated to his children and work. He deserved to put himself first for once. And he knew his father never put himself first, until now.

He would miss Sienna's presence, she had a way of making the family feel complete.

He didn't dwell on it too much as he had work.

So much had happened. The mole had been caught but they had decided to look further into him, to find out who he was selling information too. And that meant Clara agreed to stay until the job was done. However after getting paid she moved into a small apartment.

They currently had a new agreement though. This time made by Clara.

After Clara agreed to stay on, she asked about her normal job.

"I want to talk about my job " Clara had started the conversation.

"Would you like to keep it or are you handing in a resignation" Damon had replied.

"I want to keep it and I know I have only been working for you a month but you know how hard working I am, I want to progress, I know it's going to take time but is there any chance I can progress or am I stuck in a job that holds no progression" she asked.

"A bit of both. You will need training to progress. Currently there are no positions at your level open"

"Maybe because I caught someone who could have revealed lots of information, you could give me a bit of extra training" Clara suggested. She was eager to progress in her job. She loved spending her days with Jake but she wanted to do more than bring coffee.

"I can have someone train you, it doesn't have to be me though" Damon said.

"I know but even if it doesn't work out here, being trained by you will look good on my CV " she replied.

"So you're using me" Damon had been fake dramatic about it.

"Yes just like you have used me since we met"

Just that response alone, had Damon impressed. And he agreed to give her a bit of training, not that he would have said no.

Now it was the start of the new week and minutes after he arrived at the office, Clara appeared with a coffee in her hand. Damon couldn't help the smug grin.

"I'm doing the exact same as I was downstairs, only now I have to see your stupid face" she said. She wasn't happy.

"You do realise I could fire you for that outburst" he taunted.

"Then just do it. Stop playing games with me" she said slamming the coffee on the desk.

Damon ignored the coffee and stood up, he grabbed Claras wrist and turned her back around before she could leave.

"What happened" he asked.

"Nothing" Clara replied.

"You're lying. I am here, whatever is bothering you, whether you want to talk or not, I am here" he told her. He stopped teasing her when he realised something was wrong.

"Jake thinks it's stupid that I'm trying to get training. I just want to do something with my life" she confessed.

"And I stupidly apologized to him" she added feeling dissapointed in herself.

"Clara never apologise for being who you are. You are a strong ambitious woman. If he can't accept that, he doesn't deserve you" Damon told her.

He reminded himself it would be to risky to kill an employee.

"I'm sorry I took it out on you" she said knowing she had been a little snappy this morning.

"Just so you know the files I'm having you sort out are alot more complicated then the ones you were doing. I can't immediately give you advanced stuff because you have no experience. You'll struggle to keep up" he explained.

"I know but let's be honest, you definitely take advantage of the fact I can bring you coffee" she said a smile back on her face now.

"Of course I do. Or maybe I take advantage of being able to talk to you" he replied.

He smirked when he saw her quickly look away.

"Besides its not like you don't get yourself coffee too" he added changing the topic.

"I should get back to my work. Thanks for the encouragement. I think I'll talk to Jake later" she replied.

Damon nodded "I'm always here for you Clara"

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