Winter Company(Sonic the Werehog X Reader)

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I might as well get the last two characters done today so I can start the new year with a clean slate. Chances are I'll write more than the two, though. I'm in a good mood.


-Reader's P.O.V.-

I sat on the carpeted floor of the living room. I had a blanket wrapped around my shoulders and a mug of hot chocolate in my (skin color) hands. My eyes were locked in the mass of orange and yellow flames contained in the brick fireplace.

Winter was upon Station Square and it was harsher than last year.

My face was red from the flames' heat.

A snow-covered werehog by the name of Sonic burst into the house.

"Mobius, I hate winter!" he exclaimed as he slammed the door with his back.

I giggled softly. "C'mere, Sonic. You'll get warm by the fire. Remember your shoes."

I had a thing about shoes in the house.

I watched Sonic take off his cleat-like shoes and keep them by my boots by the door.

Padding over on all fours, he sat in front of me. 

I smiled, watching a chill from the heat make him shiver.

"Did the heating break again?" I asked.

Sonic nodded. "I let Tails have the heated blanket so he won't freeze while trying to fix it."

I smiled. I kissed his nose. "That was sweet of you."

He sniffed my mug. "Mind if I have some?"

I wrapped my blanket around his shoulders. "Get comfortable, hon. I have a feeling you'll be here for a bit. I'll make you a fresh cup."

He wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, his emerald orbs watching me walk into the kitchen. 

I came back a few minutes later with a fresh, steaming mug for the werehog.

His ears perked up at the sight of the steam.

I handed it to him as I sat next to him. The warmth of the fire greeted me.

Sonic took a careful sip of his hot chocolate before wrapping one half of the blanket around my shoulders.

I smiled. Leaning against him, I asked, "I'm happy you're here, Sonic. I was feeling lonely before you came."

He kissed my cheek. "Well, I'm here now. I'm not leaving you for anything."

"Except Tails?"

"...Except Tails."


One down, one to go.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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