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We're speeding down the highway at 98 miles per hour. Vivian is gripping onto my arm as tight as possible as she screams at Wyatt to stop the car. The boys in the front seat continue to laugh with each other.

Boys as in Wyatt Terrence and Evan Sterling, Vivi and I's "boyfriends". Well.. Wyatt and Vivian have been together for a year, Evan and I haven't even labeled ourselves yet.

"Oh relax! Loosen up, Vi!" Wyatt shouts through the wind, barely audible.

Suddenly, red and blue lights flash behind us and sirens fill the air. "Pull over!" I shout in terror. "Evan! Pull over!"

"I am! Relax!"

Evan pulls the car over and sighs as the cop walks up to the car. "Do you know why I pulled you over, sir?" The cop asks.

"Let me guess... is my light out?" Evan flashes a toothy grin at the cop, I roll my eyes.

"Step out of the car sir." The cop opens the door, Evan steps out with his hands raised in the air in defense. "Have you had anything to drink tonight?"


"Is anyone in the vehicle intoxicated?"


"Does the vehicle belong to you?"

"Yes and no. It's my dad's car.. but he lets me drive it-" The cop cuts him off, "Does your father know you have the vehicle?"

Evan hesitantly shakes his head, "No, sir."

The cop nods and handcuffs Evan, the rest of us stay silent. "You aren't getting arrested but all five of us will be staying here until the rightful owner gets here to claim the vehicle. Got it?"

"Oh come on! Let me drive it to the old man's house, It's right down the road!" Wyatt argues with the cop but is ignored.

What a fucking night.


I got home at 4 am that night and I slept in until 10. The only reason I woke up was due to a call from Vivian.

"Apply! This has been your dream job since we were in diapers, Tatum!" She yells over the phone. I rub my eyes and yawn. "Did you hear me!?"

"Yeah, Vivi, I heard you. I think the whole world could hear you." I climb out of bed and make my way to my kitchen. "What job are you talking about?"

"A photography job! Were you not paying attention? You have all of the qualifications and more, Tate! Apply!"

"Photography position where. There hasn't been any opening anywhere in forever." I pour myself a cup of coffee.

"It's for concerts.. I know it's not your typical scenery but you'd be huge! And you'll get to meet celebrities!" She huffs, "I'm coming over."

"Vivian-" And she hangs up.

My phone dings with a text from Evan.
Just got home, hoping i could stop by for a bit?

not today.

I receive a text from Vivian next, it's the application for the job she was talking about. Not even two seconds later, she's knocking on my door. I guess this is what I get for living in the same apartment complex as my best friend.

"Did you fill it out?"

"No, I don't even know if I want to."

"Tatum, this is your dream." Vivian sits beside me on the couch and clicks on the link to the application. "You only live once.. and not many people get to live their dream. You have the opportunity, babe, just give it a go.

I stare at the screen, the application stares back. I huff and shrug. "You only live once.." I repeat before I fill out the form and submit it along with my resume.

Thank you for your application. We will get back to you shortly.

I sigh and feel as if there's now a huge weight on my shoulders. "What if I'm rejected?"

"They'd be stupid to reject you. You're the best candidate they've got."

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