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Renee's POV-

It's New Year's day. I'm sitting crisscrossed on the bed beside Tatum as she sleeps peacefully. It's 4am and I haven't slept all night.

Vivian and Wyatt are at the hospital so that might be why I'm restless. I'm worried about Vivian and the baby...

but I also think it's because i'm going through a slight crisis.

I don't think I like boys.

Now I know that I've been with Tate for a year and now that we're engaged, it's stupid for me to even be thinking about my sexuality. But I think I'm a lesbian.

So here I am at 4am strumming my guitar, humming out a tune, maybe thinking of a song for a new album. I've been wanting to put out new music but nothing has been coming to me quite like this situation. It's a scary feeling.

I sigh and put my guitar down on the floor beside the bed. I put my hands in my lap and look at Tatum, feeling my lips curl into a sweet grin.

She's mine forever now.

I look down at the diamond that sits on my left hand. It's absolutely beautiful. I still can't believe this is my reality. I'm going to get married.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Tatum's phone begins to ring, pulling her out of her deep slumber. I reach for her phone as she props up on her elbows and rubs her eyes, holding the sheets against her bare chest.

"Why are you awake?" She mumbles with a groggy voice, making me grin.

"Couldn't sleep.." I hand her the phone, "Here, it's Wyatt."

She quickly puts the phone to her ear after she answers it. I watch as her eyes widen and she grasps my hand tightly.

"We'll get there right away." She nods, "Okay, bye."

I look at her in confusion as she hangs up the phone and slides out from under the blankets. She quickly puts on a t-shirt and pants.

"Tate, what's going on?" I confused on why she's rushing around.

"She's about to have the baby." Tate says quickly, making my heart drop. "We have to go.. do you know where the hospital is?" She grabs a bottle of water, a blanket, her phone, a coat, and a hairbrush.

I walk up to her and put my hands on her shoulders to steady her, "I know where the hospital is, but sweetheart, you don't need all of this stuff." I give her a reassuring grin as I take the blanket, hairbrush, and coat. "Just go put some comfy shoes on and we'll go."

She nods and slips into a pair of sandals. I also slip into my slides and follow her out the door.

The drive to the hospital is filled with silence. I can tell she's nervous for her friends.

Once we get there, we are directed to sit in the waiting room, being told Wyatt will come get us when the baby arrives.

"They said it could be a few hours so.." Tatum sits beside me, in the very uncomfortable chairs, and drops an arm full of small bags of chips and cookies, "I brought us snacks!" She smiles cutely.

I smile back at her and thank her for the snacks. We didn't eat breakfast before driving over so eating something small feels pretty good right now.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask as Tate stuffs her mouth with cheez-its. She looks at me and nods. "I um.. I don't think I'm bisexual.."

Her eyebrows lower in confusion, "Oh?"

I purse my lips together and huff. "I think I'm a lesbian, Tatum.."

She stares at me for a moment before she smiles softly and gently caresses my cheek. "Aw baby.." Her head tilts and she intertwines our fingers. "Thank you for telling me, my love. I'm going to support you either way, you know that right?" She kisses the back of my hand. "I love you so much."

I blush and nod, "I love you too, honey."

I didn't even notice the tears in my eyes until Tate hugs me. She holds me for a moment before our names are called.

Wyatt stands there with a huge smile on his face, wearing a t-shirt that says "girl dad"

"Wy?" Tate says as we stand.

"She's here."

He leads us back to where Vivian and the baby are. I let Tatum go in first to greet them, but of course she keeps me close and keeps our hands together.

"Hi Vivian, how are you feeling?" I say as Tatum covers her mouth after seeing the little baby girl laying in Vivian's arms.

"I feel really good." She smiles a tired grin before waving us over. "I want you both to meet Karson Tate Terrence."

Tatum freezes and gasps, looking at Vivian with wide eyes. "Tate..? You named her after me..?" She looks at me and begins to cry, I smile sweetly at her and rub her back to soothe her.

I take a little peak at the little girl and pout out my bottom lip at the sight of the dark haired baby. "Oh she's gorgeous, Vivi."

"She looks just like Vivian." Wyatt lifts Karson into his arms and walks over to me and Tatum. "Want to hold her?" He looks at me.

"I think Tate should first." I give her a reassuring nudge.

"I don't want to cry on her.." She sniffles and puts her arms out as Wyatt lays the baby in them. "Hi there sweet girl.."

Baby fever is screaming.

Tate sits down on a nearby chair and admires Karson sleeping peacefully in her arms. I take a seat beside Vivian on the bed, she takes my hand and smirks when she notices me admiring Tatum.

"I see the way you're looking at her." I look at Vivian when she speaks.

"She's adorable-"

"Not Karson.." She squeezes my hand, "At Tatum."

I grin and look back at my fiancée, "She looks so cute with a baby." I shrug and look back at her.

Vivian sits up and rests her head on my shoulder. "She does." I rest my head against hers. "I know you both talked about having kids one day. She told you she doesn't know but I know her, I grew up with her and all she's ever wanted was her own family. She's just scared."

"Do you want to hold her, Nae?" I look back at Tatum when she asks her question. I nod and walk over to her, she stands and lays Karson in my arms. "Just like that."

I look down at the little girl and immediately look up at the ceiling to fight off the tears and emotions rushing through me. Tatum sees this and wipes under my eyes, swiping away a tear.

Wyatt takes a photo of me and Karson and I force him to send it to me. This little girl is the cutest thing I've ever seen, I can't get enough of her.

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