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We are wearing matching white robes and pink slippers. I'm strumming the guitar as Renee admires me and sings every now and then when she likes the rhythm.

We are both sitting in the bed, we haven't left it since our shower earlier this morning. It's now 7pm.

As I strum the guitar, Renee begins humming.. then she begins singing as the words just come to her.

"You are my one, you set my world on fire.." Her voice is soft and sweet. "I know there's heaven but we must be higher.."

Her hand rests on my leg, she smiles softly and pulls out her phone to record the moment before going back to singing her previous lyrics.

"You are my one, you set my world on fire.. I know there's heaven but we must be higher.." She smiles at me and closes her eyes, "I'm gonna love you till my heart retires.. forever will last."

Her eyes open and she leans in to peck my lips. I smile at her then look at the camera on her phone, "Isn't my girlfriend amazing?" Renee laughs and turns off the video.

Which is when Julia calls her.


I can't hear the conversation but Renee tells her where she is and who she's with, she also tells her about our new relationship. When they hang up, I wait for her to explain.

"She wants me to go live to promote Pretty Girls but now that she knows you're here.."

"Don't let me stop you, I can be quiet." I smirk and wink at her.

She grins and rolls her eyes playfully as she opens instagram and goes live. "Hey everyone!"

I scoot off the bed and go into the bathroom, deciding to take a shower out of boredom.

Renee laughs as she talks with her fans on the live, but when I exit the bathroom her eyes are glued to me, yet she still talks.

"I am never going to release Baguettes.. but I do appreciate the support!" She smirks, never taking her eyes off of me.

I wrap a towel around my body and walk over to the balcony doors, walking outside and leaning against the railing. I can still see Renee watching me.

"Let's take a trip guys." She grabs her phone and joins me on the balcony, "It's so nice out." She says to me as she also leans against the railing.

"It is." I say quietly.

When I glance at her phone, I see thousands of comments asking who is she talking to, who is she with, is it me, and so on.

"You look so pretty right now.." I mumble, she tilts her phone away and gently kisses my lips.

She takes a few steps away before tilting the phone back to her face, "Thank you honey.."

Her phone begins blowing up with comments when she says that. I laugh and go back inside, she follows.

"Anyways, go listen to Pretty Girls! I wrote it about a.. very fun experience. I know that all of my friends love it, even my manager." Renee says to her livestream.

I sit on the edge of the bed and Renee surprises me by sitting right on my lap. I don't complain though, I happily pull her closer and rest my head against her chest. Renee rests her phone on top of my head to hide me from her fans.

"I'm not with anyone, what makes you guys think that?" She smirks and lies to her fans.

I lift my head and playfully glare at her, she adjusts the phone so it's only her in the frame. "Not with anyone, hm?"

Her face turns red, "Fine, I am with someone.. but this specific someone cannot say hi." She looks at me and smiles, "I'll be on the balcony if you need me."

"I'll be in here." I say before she pecks my lips and goes out onto the balcony. I decide to pull out my phone and call Vivian, "Hello?"

"Hey, Tatum. How's your girlfriend?"

"She's really good!"

"That's good- wait.. you didn't deny it this time! Tatum Willis!" She squeals, "When did this happen?"

I giggle and blush as I think about my girlfriend, "Last night. We're actually at the top floor of the hotel in a suite if you wanna stop by and visit."

"Oh my god! Tatum! I am so proud of you!" I can hear the smile in her tone, "I'm so happy for you both.."

"Thank you, Vivi.."

"But yes, I'll be up to visit! What's your room number?"

"Just go to the top floor, we're the only room up here."

"Fancy, I like her already."

Renee walks back inside and sets her phone down on the dresser. She has glasses on now, she looks so effortlessly beautiful. "You done with your live?" I ask her and she answers with a nod, crawling into bed and cuddling up to me.

"I can be there in half an hour, do you guys want any food? Wyatt and I are going to stop at Mcdonald's."

"Are you hungry, Nae?"

"God yes, I'm starving."

Vivian laughs over the phone, hearing Renee's answer, "I'll bring you guys some food. See you soon, T."

"Bye V."

I hang up the phone and cuddle up against Renee, burying my face in the crook of her neck and closing my eyes. Her hand tangled itself in my hair.

"How'd your live go?" I ask softly.

"Really good! My fans kept asking if I was with you, I nearly said yes just so see what they'd say." She grins and pulls my face up so we are face to face, "You're so pretty.."

I blush, "Shut up.." Then I kiss her.

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