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It's Renee's opening night of her Snow Hard Feelings tour. She's in her dressing room getting ready as I take a few photos of the crowd, a few of them trying to ask me questions about Renee and a few about Alec.

Speaking of Alec, he's here tonight. He wasn't supposed to come so that breakup rumors would start circulating but he's here.

"Tatum!" My name is shouted, I turn around and smile at a fan who reaches for my hand, I take it.

"Hi!" I say with a smile before I have to walk away and go backstage.

Once I enter Renee's dressing room, I sit on the couch and watch as she gets her hair and makeup done.

"You excited?" I ask.

"Scared." She responds shortly due to the makeup artist working on her lips.

"You'll do great, don't worry." I walk up behind her and smile, "Plus, it's packed out there with people who love you and your music. Go have fun."

"Renee, get ready to go out there!" Adam calls.

She gets out of her chair and hugs me tightly, I kiss her forehead before patting shoulder when she walks away and runs out onto stage.


"You did amazing!" Adam embraces Renee into a tight hug as she exits the stage, "You were born for this lifestyle, Renee."

She smiles at him and scans the room, a concerned expression on her face. Once our eyes lock, she grins and runs over to me, lifting me into her arms.

"You did so good out there, baby." I say into her ear before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, honey." She sets me down on the ground and pulls me into a kiss. I cup her face in my hands and pull back to admire her.

"Ready to go before traffic hits?" Alec walks over and slings an arm around Renee's shoulders, I glare at him and roll my eyes.

"Um.. I'm actually going to leave with Tate tonight, Alec." She smiles at me and reaches for my hand, stepping away from Alec, "Our contract is over. It's been fun but I think I'll go back to what's real."

I grin and scrunch my nose at her, she kisses my forehead before saying her final goodbyes to Alec and Adam before we leave the venue hand in hand.

The paparazzi goes absolutely insane when they see us together for the first time in months. The headlines are going to be crazy tomorrow but I don't care. All that matters is I'm here right now with my gorgeous girlfriend.

We get into my car and begin driving down the streets at high speeds. We blast music and laugh and kiss at every red light. We enjoy our evening together without worrying about what the future holds.

Then suddenly it's 4am. Renee is fast asleep beside me, naked under the covers after our earlier activities. I'm laying on my side, just staring and admiring her.

I think back to our previous conversation about how she wants to get married and have a family one day.. and honestly, the more I think about it, the more I want it too.

I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl. I know we're young but I don't need anything else as long as she's with me.. and a baby or two doesn't sound that bad either.

I gently tuck her hair behind her ear as she sleeps soundly. She doesn't notice when I lean in and kiss her forehead, she doesn't even notice when I pull the small box out of the nightstand drawer and open it to reveal the diamond.

"God baby.. this terrifies me.." I whisper to myself and hold the ring against my chest. "But I want this so bad with you.."

Renee stirs in her sleep, making me shove the ring back into the nightstand. "You're still awake.." She mumbles, reaching for me.

I intertwine our fingers and kiss the back of her hand. "Not tired.. go back to sleep, Renee. It's late"

She grins and cuddles up to me, "It's early." She corrects me, closing her eyes again.

I smile and nod, "You're right baby," I cuddle up to her and close my eyes, "It's too early."

My words have a double meaning. Yes, it's too early in the morning but it's also too early to propose.

We met last year. We've been dating for 9 months with a break in between. I can't believe I even thought of-

She lifts her head and kisses my lips, as if she just read my thoughts.

That's why.

"I love you so much, Nae."

You don't even know the start of it.

"I love you so much more." She mumbles back as she drifts back into her previous sleep.

I smile and close my eyes, relaxing into her embrace and falling asleep next to her in this tiny hotel bed. Any place feels like home when I'm with her.

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