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Vivian brought two bottles of vodka on her way over, which just so happens to be Renee's favorite. We all took around 5-7 shots each so I guess you can say we're pretty out of it.

Especially since we all ended up half naked.

Yeah, you heard that right. We decided to play strip poker together but then decided to quit halfway through. I'm in my bra and shorts, Renee is in a tank top and underwear, Vivian in her bra and leggings, and Wyatt without a shirt.

On top of it all, Wyatt brought his weed. Renee got a hold of it and is now cross-faded but so is Wyatt, they're both laying flat on the floor giggling with each other which is slightly concerning.

Vivian and I are on the couch, just staring at them. I feel a little more sober now, I'm not so sure about Vivian but she seems fine too.

"I think you both should just sleep over tonight." I tell Vivian, "Unless you want to carry him back to your room."

She laughs, "I'll stay over as long as you horny fucks don't fuck all night long."

I shake my head and walk over to Renee, sitting on the floor and lifting her head to lay in my lap. She smiles up at me, "Hi!"

"Hi baby, ready to get some sleep?"

She shakes her head and closes her eyes, "No, not yet."

I begin scratching her head, within five minutes she's fast asleep. I smile and kiss her forehead before looking over at Wyatt, nudging him to make sure he isn't dead. When he groans, I breathe a sigh of relief. Vivian laughs.

I lift Renee off of the floor and tuck her under the covers of our bed, making sure to prop up her head. I let Wyatt stay on the floor but I prop up his head and cover him with a blanket, I toss Vivian a blanket too before crawling into bed beside Renee.

Before I close my eyes, I grab my phone and try to read through my messages.

The one from Julia stands out, "ARE YOU INSANE!? drunk posting a selfie of you and Renee at 3 am? come to my office ASAP!"

I groan and open my instagram, only to find the selfie of me and Renee on my public story. She's kissing my cheek and is tagged.

Fucking great.

In the morning, I wake up to the sound of Renee throwing up in the bathroom. I quickly get out of bed and join her, holding her hair and rubbing her back.

"I feel like I got hit by a bus.." She groans.

"If it makes you feel any better, Julia wants us in her office as soon as possible." I say sarcastically.

She groans louder, still hovering her head over the toilet. As she cleans herself up, I find some medicine and water. "Here, go lay down."

Renee thanks me and takes the medicine before going to lay back down on the bed. I take some meds myself before joining her.

It's 7am, Julia will probably be even more angry if we don't get to her office soon.

"We should get going." I say to Renee quietly, trying not to wake the others.

"This is because of the photo we took last night, isn't it.." She says more as a statement than a question.

I nod and she does too. I put on one of Renee's hoodies before we go to Julia's office.

"About time!" Is the first thing we hear from her.

"Please don't yell.." Renee groans.

"You both are idiots!" Julia yells, ignoring Renee's plea. "I told you to not come around Renee until the rumors died down! Why are you here!?"

I shrug, not knowing how to answer. "I wanted to see Renee."

"Too fucking bad, Tatum. When I give you rules, you obey them! I am doing this for the greater good! If you don't follow the rules then the rumors-"

"They aren't rumors anymore!" Renee speaks up.

Julia's eyes snap to her and she scowls, "What did you just say?"

"Tate and I are dating. The rumors are true, Julia." I breathe a sigh of relief as Renee takes my hand in hers. "And I want to make our relationship public.."

Julia rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "It's not that easy. I am your manager. I decide what you can and cannot do, Renee. That includes your personal life and personal relationships. Your little relationship is not going public."

"And why not?" I speak up, "You can't control everything that we do, Julia."

"Like hell I can't. Renee has never been in a public relationship before, I'm only doing what's best for her in the long run." Julia argues.

"I've been in a public relationship with Alissa." Renee says.

"You two weren't together. You just couldn't keep your horny hands to yourself and made it seem like you were together. Then you broke it off when you got attention from the media." Julia sits down behind her desk, "You got scared of the publicity."

"No. Alissa made it too overbearing. They knew I didn't want a relationship but-"

"No buts, I've heard enough." Julia looks at me, "Tatum, do everyone a favor and just go home. You'll see, it's better this way."

I roll my eyes and pull Renee out of the office, flipping off Julia as I go. "What are we going to do?"

"Fuck her and her stupid opinions. Do what you want to do, Renee.. do you want to go public?" She nods. "Then let's go public. Once it's done, Julia can't do anything to stop us."

Renee grins and gently kisses me, "You're so perfect, baby."

I blush and help her into my car, shutting the passenger door then getting into the drivers side. We go back to the hotel, Vivian and Wyatt are still asleep, I almost try to check their pulses with how quiet they are but then I see they're breathing so I leave them alone.

I sit on the bed with my back against the headboard, Renee lays between my legs with her head on my chest, pulling out her phone. "What photo should I post?"

 "What photo should I post?"

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