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Renee's POV~

Tatum never told me what was wrong with Vivian, I'm still not sure if she even knows what's going on but Wyatt is completely oblivious.

So I haven't said anything about the topic all day.. Honestly, the thought hasn't even crossed my mind once because Tate has decided to tease me all day long.

I can hardly even focus on my dinner with Alec, she's the only thing in my brain.

"Renee, you there?" Alec snaps his fingers.

I look up and nod, "Sorry, I'm just tired."

"I bet. You've been working on setting tour dates, right?" Alec asks, I nod. "I'm guessing I'll have to tag along to a few shows for Julia's sanity." He chuckles and sips his water.

I giggle and nod, "Yeah. Until the contract is up, I'm afraid you'll be following me everywhere."

Alec shrugs and takes my hand, "I don't mind." He smiles at me, I hesitate to smile back. "Yknow Renee, I do like you and I don't think it would be a problem to give the paps what they want."

"And what do they want, Alec?" I say with a grin, trying to joke but his next words make me choke on air.

"A kiss."

I pull my hand away from his and clear my throat, "Alec, we talked about this. I have a girlfriend and-"

"I know, I just think it would be a little fun is all." He shrugs, "Nothing wrong with living a little."

I scoff and begin putting on my leather jacket, "I'm going to go. Thanks for the dinner, Alec. I'll see you when we're scheduled again." I fight back the urge to make a rude remark as I leave.

As soon as I get home, I set my purse down and hang up my jacket. "Tate?" I ask as I walk down the hall to my bedroom, "Are you here?"

I flip on my bedroom light and feel my knees nearly buckle. I gulp and clench my hand around the doorknob.

"Tate.." I whisper.

She's sitting on her knees on my bed, wearing a black lace bodysuit. She looks at me with those beautiful doe eyes with a full submissive pout.

"How was dinner?" She asks innocently.

I shut the door behind me and begin unbuttoning my blouse as I walk over to her, "Good." I slide my hand up to grasp under her jaw, tilting her head up so she looks at me. "But I could use a desert."

Her cheeks tint pink and her puffy lips part. I smirk and lean in closer to brush our lips together, "As good as you look in this lace.. I think you should take it off." I whisper before taking a few steps away.

Tatum crawls off of the bed and begins stripping out of the lace, letting it pool at her feet. I remove my clothes too as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"Lay down." I command and she obeys me immediately.

I pull her ankles up to rest on my shoulders and begin kissing down her legs, "Renee.." She breathes.

I arch my back until my head is between her legs and my ass is in the air, I hear Tate gasp as she reaches for my hair.

My hands grab tightly onto her thighs, holding them against the mattress. Her fingers tangle into my hair as she moans loudly.

My tongue teases her entrance as my eyes stay locked on her face, watching her every reaction, trying to desperately find that place that sends her over the edge.

"God!" Found it.

I close my eyes and focus on that one spot that's driving her insane. Tatum grips my hair with one hand and my headboard with the other.

She moans my name loudly. I look up at her as she explodes onto my tongue, "Fuck, Renee!"

I pull away and smirk as her body shakes underneath my grasp. I kiss her stomach up to her neck until I reach her lips. Tate's hands cup my face gently as we share a kiss.

Then the door flies open.

And Vivian runs in sobbing.

I quickly pull the blankets over us and look over at her in confusion, "Vivian?"

"I'm pregnant."

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