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Renee's POV~

Later that night, Tate and I are cuddled up on her bed watching some of my music videos. I say it's embarrassing but she thinks they're cute.

"You should be in one of my new music videos." I lift my head and look down at her lips for a moment before we lock eyes.

"You're filming?" She asks, returning the gaze to my lips then back into my eyes.

I nod, "Pretty Girls music video.. I was going to ask my friend Scarlett to film with me but," I touch her lips softly, "I think you're a much better fit."

Tate grins and kisses the tips of my fingers softly, "I'd love to film with you. What would I be doing?"

I smirk, "Kissing me."

Tatum blushes and nods, "I can do that."

"Hm, I don't know.. You might have to prove that you're a good enough kisser." I shrug.

"Oh really?" She asks with a smirk, slowly beginning to position herself.

"Yeah, I think so." I smirk.

Our lips meet in a soft kiss. She releases a heavy breath on my face when she pulls away, I look at her but her eyes are still closed.

"Good?" She mumbles.

I shake my head and grab her waist, pulling her on top of me. "One more time."

She kisses me again, this time with a little more force and effort. She's putting all of her weight on her arms so she doesn't touch my body, I can tell she's trying to hold back since Wyatt and Vivian are in the next room over.

When she pulls away, I huff. "Tatum."

"Renee." She gulps and watches my lips.

"Don't hold back." I caress her face, "Let me have all of you tonight. I don't want to rush it like we have been.. give in to me."

She looks into my eyes and slowly lowers her body to rest on top of mine. My hands tuck her brunette hair behind her ears, "I love you." Tate whispers.

"I love you more." I whisper back before our lips meet again in a slow passionate kiss. My hands find the hem of her sweater, gently tugging it up and over her head.

Tate does the same thing with my shirt. Our pants are removed next until we are completely naked.

Her lips meet my neck and I moan out in ecstasy. She kisses my skin so gently, so soft and sweet that it makes my head spin. When her teeth graze my collarbone, her fingers dip into me at the same time.

"Oh fuck.." I hum and run my hands through her hair. Her lips meet mine again, not in a kiss, just to feel each other.

"I love you." Tate mumbles as she kisses my cheek, moving her fingers a little faster.

"Don't stop," I cry out. "Please." My hands wrap around her forearm as she bends closer to me, pressing her lips to my ear as she speaks,

"Be good for me and come on my fingers, Renee." She whispers hot words that intoxicate my mind.

"I want to-" I choke out as I feel that overwhelming sense of pleasure begin to build up inside of me, "Please Tate.." I tell her, writhing uncontrollably to desperately feel more friction.

"Yeah?" I can hear the smirk in her tone. "You're so fucking pretty on your back like this, Nae.." She bites the lobe of my ear before whispering, "Let me feel all of you baby, cum on my fingers."

My head tilts back as I moan her name quite loudly. Her hand doesn't stop its movements until my thighs are shaking and tingling.

"Open your mouth.. let me show you how good you taste." My lips fall open at her demand and her fingers are sitting on my tongue. Our eyes lock as I gently suck them clean.

Our open mouths meet, her tongue meets mine to get a taste of the sweet flavor. I slowly flip us over until I'm kissing down her neck and chest, sucking her nipple into my mouth as I palm the other with my hand.

Tate's moans are music to my ears. This room is suffocating and hot. Sweat covers our skin but it tastes and feels so good.

Her leg dangles over my shoulder while I hold the other against the mattress. She looks down at me with her pink puffy lips and I swear I almost have another orgasm just from her gaze.

I keep eye contact with her as I kiss up her thighs until I'm met with her hot and dripping core. I take an achingly slow lick up her center and smirk as she bucks her hips toward me with a whimper.

Deciding to test the waters, I lick her again, tasting all of her.

I stop at her clit, sucking ever so gently. Tate's breath is heavy as she releases a long moan. I have to squeeze my thighs together, knowing I'm just as wet.

I switch between pumping two fingers in and out of her and flicking my tongue along her clit. She tastes so good, it's nearly intoxicating.

"Jesus Christ, Renee.." Her chin tilts up toward the ceiling. I squeeze her thigh as I feel her muscles tighten under my grasp. She's close.

She lets out a throaty moan when I find her g-spot and keep hitting it over and over again, sending her over the edge.

Her hands grab my head, tangling her fingers through my blonde hair, desperately pulling me closer as she grinds on my mouth to ride out her orgasm. Whimpers and whines fall from her beautiful puffy lips.

I kiss her stomach when she finally releases me, becoming fully relaxed on the bed.

We pull the blankets over our bodies as we intertwine our legs and fingers. "I love you." I whisper as I kiss her forehead.

Tatum's eyes flutter shut, "I love you so much more, Renee."

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