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i go feral over this photo every time i see it ^

"You got a haircut!" I say as I admire Renee's new haircut over the phone.

It's been exactly one month since we've been separated and it's been the hardest month of my life. We try to call as much as possible but with the time difference, Renee's PR stunt, and Renee trying to plan her next tour, it's been difficult.

"I did, do you like it?" She looks side to side to show off her new layered haircut.

"You look beautiful, Nae." I smile. "How's your day so far?"

"It's alright, just stressful. Alec and I went out for coffee this morning, then I had to go to a mandatory meeting, then we had to pick cities for tour.." She sighs, "It's been a very long day."

"I wish I could make you feel better."

"You already are, talking to you makes everything better. How's your day, honey?" She smiles sweetly as she makes herself comfortable in her bed.

"Not too bad actually. I went out for lunch with my parents and they surprised me with plane tickets.." I smirk, awaiting her reaction.

"Oh that's nice of them-" Renee's eyebrows lower, "Wait." She looks at me. When she sees my smirk, she nearly screams, "You're coming to visit!?"

"I leave tomorrow night."

"Oh my god!" She squeals.

I laugh, "Vivian and Wyatt are coming with me. My mom wanted to come but she's scared of flying."

"Baby, I'm so excited to see you!" She smiles big, "How long are you staying?"

"Just four days.. are you busy at all?"

"I'll make time for you." She smiles but begins to yawn. I check the time, it's 2am here. "Tate-"

"I'm going to bed too, don't worry. Goodnight my love, I'll see you tomorrow."

She smiles and nods, "Tomorrow." Then she hangs up.


"I fucking hate security." Wyatt says as he carries Vivian on his back through the airport, "There was no reason for that to take two hours."

"We have an hour until our next flight, wanna grab some food?" I ask as we walk past a mcdonald's.

"Yeah, I'll pay. Hey babe," Wyatt shakes back and forth to wake up Vivian, she groans. "Go sit down with Tatum. I'll get us a couple burgers."

He sets Vivian down on the ground, she takes his baseball cap and puts it on her head before he goes into the mcdonald's and me and Vivi sit on some nearby chairs.

"I hate flying." Vivian mumbles.

"Me too, but this flight is worth it." I smile, "I'm so excited."

"I can tell.. I'm just so tired and hungry." She groans and checks her phone for the time, "And it's only 6pm."

"We're almost there. Just one three hour flight till we're in LA, aren't you excited?"

"I am, I miss Renee."

I nod as Wyatt throws a wrapped cheeseburger at me, "Here."

"Thanks Wy." I unwrap the burger and take a huge bite. None of us had anything to eat since this morning, it feels so good to finally put something in our stomachs.

"No problem."


only a couple more hours! can't wait to kiss you again <3

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