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thought this image suits this chapter ;) ^^

Tatum's POV~

I look up from my phone when the door to my bedroom creeks open and out steps Renee, dressed in dark red lace. My jaw nearly drops. My phone falls to the floor.

I gulp as she takes slow, short, strides toward me. When she slowly drops to her knees in front of me, I nearly fall apart.

"Holy shit, Renee.." Are the only words I manage to say.

She looks up at me through her thick lashes and places her palms on my knees, licking her lips. Her hands pull my legs apart, far enough so she can gently kiss my inner thighs.

I grab tightly onto the edge of the couch cushions, not knowing what to do or say. Her red lipstick stains my legs.

Once she stands again, she smirks and holds out her hand, I take it and she begins leading me toward my bedroom.

"On your hands and knees. Face the mirror."

Renee instructs me, I don't dare disobey her. I crawl onto the bed on my hands and knees. We make eye contact through the mirror as she sits on her knees behind me.

"Sit up." She says with a straight face. I sit up on my knees, she lifts my shirt up and off my body before pushing me back down. "Take off your skirt."

I quickly begin removing my skirt, the adrenaline building up inside of me. I need her. Once my skirt is off, our eyes lock again and she smirks.

"Such an obedient little thing, aren't you.." She grabs my right shoulder with her left hand and pushes me down. "What's my name?"

When I go to answer, I feel one of her fingers push into me, which makes me gasp and moan.

"Use your words, Tatum." She commands, adding a second finger.

"Renee.." I say her name.

Her hand thats on my shoulder tightens, her fingers move slowly in and out of me. "Louder."


Her left hand grabs my throat, pulling me up so we lock eyes in the mirror again. Her fingers pick up speed as her other hand gently chokes me.

"You're doing so good for me, Tatum.." She mumbles in my ear, "Such a good job.."

I whine in response, feeling that pressure build up in my stomach. "Please.."

She smirks and squeezes my throat a little tighter, "Already begging for your release?" She smirks and bites my shoulder softly, "Go ahead baby."

Her words send me over the edge. I moan her name and reach back to grab onto her shoulder.

I've never seen this side of Renee.. and to be honest, I'm kind of loving it.

"There you go.." Her red lips kiss my neck as I try my best to cling to her. "Such a good girl for me.."

I whimper when she pulls out her fingers. She reaches around and puts them in my mouth, pulling me back so my head is on her shoulder and my back is against her chest.

"Renee.." I mumble her name as she removes her fingers from my mouth. I grab her face and pull our lips to meet in a desperate kiss.

I flip her underneath me and admire the red lace, she looks gorgeous. "Tatum.."

"Hm?" I ask as I kiss her jaw.

"Fuck me."

I smirk and bite on her neck, "Say please." I rub my hand over the lace between her thighs.

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