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"What?" I sit up and clench the sheets against my chest, Renee sits there dumbfounded.

"I don't know what to do, Tatum. We were drinking last night and I've been so sick!" Vivian cries.

Renee gets out of bed and puts on a pair of joggers and a tank top, she hands me shorts and a hoodie. I quickly get dressed before I embrace Vivian.

"You're okay." I soothe Vivian as Renee just watches us, partially in shock. "Did you tell Wyatt?"

"No, I got too scared so I just drove here.. I'm sorry, Renee, I interrupted-"

"No, no don't be sorry." Renee rubs Vivian's back, "Everything will be okay, Vivi. Do you want me to call a doctor?"

Vivian nods. Renee crawls out of bed and goes into the other room to call a doctor.

"V, you have to tell Wyatt." I tell her as I pull away from our embrace, "This is his baby too, he deserves to know."

"I know that.."

She sighs and hides her face in her hands. A few seconds pass and I think she's begun crying until I hear her laugh. She's laughing.


"God, this is so stupid.." She lifts her head and looks at me, "I'm pregnant!" She smiles and shakes her head back and forth, "This is insane.. I'm only twenty two, Tatum."

I laugh along with her, "You'll be a great mom, Vivi."


"Okay, remember to stay calm." Renee says as she opens the door for Wyatt to walk in.

Today is our last full day in LA, we fly home tomorrow. I took Vivian to a local doctor earlier this morning to confirm her pregnancy so now she is going to finally tell Wyatt.

Vivian made a gift for Wyatt to open. It's a small box with ultrasound photos and a positive pregnancy test. Her hands are shaking as Wyatt walks over to her. "Hey, you ran off last night. Everything okay?"

"Yeah uh.. everything is okay." Renee takes my hand and pulls me to stand off to the side as Vivian hands the gift to Wyatt, "I got you something."

"Aw, babe, you didn't have to get me anything." He smiles sweetly at her and takes the gift box.

Vivian looks at us for help as Wyatt opens it up.

Then he freezes.

"Vivi.." Wyatt whispers and looks up at Vivian, over at us, then back into the box. "Vivi.." He whispers again.

"I'm pregnant, Wy.." Vivian says quietly.

Wyatt's eyes fill with tears and he holds the ultrasound photos against his chest, over his heart. He smiles at Vivian and reaches for her before bursting into tears.

He's happy.

"Come on." Renee says to me before pulling me out of the living room to give them space.

"They're happy." Is all I say.

Renee nods, "They are."

I look at Renee and smile softly, she pulls me into her arms and kisses my forehead, "I want you to meet Alec." She mutters.

I look up at her in surprise, "I'd rather not. He seems quite keen with you, I don't want to ruin his little crush." I smirk.

She grins and shakes her head, "He's supposed to come over today for lunch.. I think you two should meet, Tate."

I sigh, "Alright, fine." I shrug and lean up to kiss her lips, "I'll meet your boyfriend."

Renee smirks, "You're the only girlfriend that I need, Tatum."

I smile at her and she smiles back. Vivian and Wyatt walk over holding hands, "We're gonna head back to the hotel."

"I'm going to stay here for the night. See you guys tomorrow." I say to them as they wave goodbye.

"I'm so happy for them." Renee says as we walk toward the kitchen, "Are you hungry?" She mutters as she lifts herself to sit on the kitchen counter.

I shake my head, "Not really, we just had breakfast." I reply.

Renee locks eyes with me as she pulls her underwear down her legs, letting them drop onto the floor. I gulp as she parts her thighs. "I said, are you hungry."



"Tate, this is Alec. Alec, this is my girlfriend Tatum." Renee smiles gleefully at the man in front of us as if I wasn't just eating her out on the kitchen counter an hour before this.

"It's very nice to meet you, Tatum, I've heard a lot about you." Alec smiles at me as he makes his way into Renee's home.

"All good things I hope." I smile back.

"Oh always."

We all sit down on the couch in the living room. Alec makes himself at home by taking us one of the couches entirely to himself. I sit by Reneè.

"The pizza should be here any minute." Renee reassures Alec and I. I nod.

This could not be any more awkward.

"So, Alec, what do you do for a living?" I try to make conversation.

"I'm a model.. an underwear model." He grins, "I guess you could say I have the package to go along with my job, if you know what I mean."

I force myself to smile and nod, "Yeah.." As Renee rolls her eyes beside me.

"I've been trying to get Renee to be more touchy in public because the media is starting to believe we're just friends.. but we're obviously more than that, right Nae?"

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"You're just friends, Alec. I'm the one dating her, not you." I scold him.

Alec raises his hands up in defense, "Relax, it was a joke." He chuckles, "I'm just saying, I won't reject you if you try to kiss me."

"I don't want to kiss you, Alec." Renee sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose as a stress relief.

The doorbell rings, I quickly excuse myself to go grab the pizza. When I come back, both of them are still quiet.

Alec takes the first slice, me and Renee follow after him. We eat in complete silence.. or Alec does as he devours 75% of the pizza.

"Damn, that was good."

"I wouldn't know." I mumble and close the pizza box.

"If you're mad about the kiss thing, I'll kiss you too." Alec shrugs and manspreads, "You're hot."

Renee scoffs, alright, time to prove a point.

I grab Renee's face and pull her in for a deep kiss. Our lips move in sync for a few moments before I pull away and smirk at her, she blushes.

"Damn, okay." Alec murmurs. "Nae, I gotta run. I'll see you Thursday, right?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then."

They hug goodbye, Alec gives me a firm handshake before he leaves.

"He's an interesting person.." I say with dread.

Renee shrugs, "He's okay.. but I really liked how you handled that situation." She grins and glides her knuckles back and forth on my cheek.

"Yeah?" I smirk.

"Mhm." She hums before removing her hand from my face, "I'm gonna miss you, baby."

"We'll be back together soon, I promise." I kiss her forehead, "Don't worry."

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