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After the encounter I had with Renee, I locked myself in my own hotel room. I have a flight home today until I fly to Houston next week for her next show. Renee hadn't tried to reach out to me since I left her room but she's the one who offered to drive me to the airport.

So when she knocks on my door at noon, it's no surprise to open it and find her looking at me with those blue eyes.

"I know I'm early but.." She steps inside and closes the door behind her, "I wanted to apologize for last night.. I don't know what got into me-"

"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have let us get that close."

Renee sighs and looks down at our shoes. "It was my fault, Tate. You have a boyfriend." She looks back up at me and grabs my hand, opening up my palm and setting down her silver ring in the center. "Here, take it home with you."

"Reneé, this is yours."

"It's a ring, babe, just take it." She smiles at me and closes my fingers around the ring.


"Are you all packed?"


"Let's go."


The drive to the airport is silent, just the soft music of The Neighborhood plays in the background.

Renee drives so effortlessly, even though it's pouring down rain. And on top of it all, she looks absolutely gorgeous sitting there with one hand on the wheel, one hand on her lap, and sunglasses covering her eyes.

She looks absolutely stunning.

"Reneé." I turn down the music and look over at her, she keeps her eyes on the road. "Last night-"

"I thought you didn't want to talk about it, Tate." She murmurs.

"I do.. I just don't want you to apologize for it." I twirl the ring she gave me around my finger. "I should apologize."


"I shouldn't have let us get that close.. I mean, it wasn't an issue because Evan and I aren't even dating and,"


"he probably doesn't even like me! And Renee, I honestly think you're really pretty.. and honestly, I didn't want to back away! But-"

"Tatum!" Renee pulls into a parking lot and stops the car. "How about neither of us apologize? We were stupid and drunk."

I sigh and nod as we get out of the car. "Sure."


I didn't want to end our last conversation this way but when Reneé grabs my duffel bag and tosses it to hang over her shoulder, I know there's nothing I can do to make her let me apologize.

She puts her dark sunglasses back on and begins walking. I grab my other bag and follow her, not close enough to cause another argument but close.

Renee doesn't even say bye to me when I board the plane, she just hands me my bag and leaves.

what did I do?

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