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In the back of Reneé's tour bus, she's strumming her guitar and I'm sat on the small couch just listening to her.

She's humming a tune over and over, saying a few words here and there, such as "Couple drinks", "Another world", and "Girls". Her eyes close and she sighs before taking a sip of water.

"You sound really good." I speak up and her eyes open to look at me and I swear I see her blush a bit.

"Thank you, Tate.. It's a new song I'm working on but I can't seem to find the right words."

"Well what are you trying to write about?" I adjust myself on the couch, intrigued.

Renee laughs and shakes her head, "That's a secret." She strums different chords now and hums some more.

I watch her for a moment or two before looking away, finding myself admiring her for a little too long. I look down at my legs and sigh a little too loudly, which makes Reneé look up at me.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to stop-"

"No! No, you're amazing." Reneé smiles without showing her teeth and tilts her head a bit to the side. I feel my stomach do a flip. "The song.. the song is amazing.." I clear my throat. "I just- It's nothing, go on."

"What's going through your pretty little head, Tate. Talk to me." She stands up and sets her guitar down before sitting on the small couch beside me.

"It's nothing, Ren." I say a tad stern but it only makes Reneé smirk.

She puts her hand on my knee. "Tatum."

"We're here!" Julia yells as she enters the back room. I grab my bag and suitcase and stand up, Reneé stands up too.

"I'll see you next week?" Reneé asks, I nod, she hugs me.

"Bye.." I mumble against her chest due to our height difference.

"Bye Tate.."


"How was it?" Vivian picked me up from the airport after I landed, and much to my surprise, she brought Wyatt along with her.

"It was great! Renee is really sweet, it was nice getting to know her."

"You say that like you aren't seeing her next week." Wyatt says as he drives. Vivian pokes his arm and turns around so she can't see me in the backseat.

"I'm going back, I know, but things got.. awkward between us before I left. I don't know, I guess we made up." I shrug.

"Made up or made out?" Vivian says with a wink before turning back around to face forward.

"Wait, what?" Wyatt is shocked, probably because he thought his best friend and I were supposedly dating.

Yeah. That's what I thought too, buddy.

"We didn't make out, Vivi. And Wy, where's Evan?"

"Uh.." He hesitates, "Home I think."

I raise my eyebrow and pull out my phone to check Evan's location. "He's at a house.. not his house.."

"Probably a friend-" Wyatt tries to vouch for Evan but I already know what's going on.

"He's at a girl's house.." I say and shut off my phone.

"Aw.. Tatum.." Vivi tries to comfort me, but for some reason I feel.. fine.

"It's not a big deal." And I mean that. I don't feel sad or upset over losing Evan to another girl.

"His loss." She says and rubs my knee.

I know.

"Yeah, his loss." I repeat her words and smile at Vivian.

"Plus, you have a new crush to go after.. and the feelings are obviously reciprocated. I saw photos of you two at after parties." Vivian giggles softly. "The way she looks at you, Tatum.. she's crushing hard."

I scoff and roll my eyes with a smile. "Don't feed into my delusions, Vi."


Filler chapter. The chapters will get longer as the story goes on, I promise! Just hang in there! 😭

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