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Renee's POV~

I watch Tatum walk into her gate. She doesn't even try to say goodbye, she doesn't look back either.

I knew from the start that I shouldn't have tried to kiss her. We were drunk and having a good time, I made a mistake. Now I'm paying the price and she most likely hates me.

I drive back to the hotel. Julia meets me there and helps me pack up my stuff before we hop in my tour bus and start driving to our next destination.

"Why didn't you schedule Tatum for this show?" I say quietly as I crack my knuckles.

"Until she gets on a good schedule, I only have her on for certain shows," She sighs, "Plus.. I noticed the way you look at her, Reneé."

I look at her and drop my hands onto my lap, shaking my head no. "I don't look at her in any way."


"No, Julia." I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to the back of the bus where our beds are. I lay down and shut the curtain so I can have privacy. "You're wrong."

"You're just in denial. It's okay to have a crush sometimes."

I ignore her comment and pull out my phone. Tatum's flight is four hours long so if I text her now, she won't receive it until later.. which also gives me time to forget about it.

Hey, just checking in! Have a safe flight!

I mentally scold myself. I sound too happy.

I delete the message and try again.

Hey, again i'm sorry about the other night but

No. I delete the message again.

I miss you.



I hover my thumb over the blue text bubble. I didn't mean to send that message. Hell, I shouldn't have even sent a message. I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes tightly.

"Fucking hell.." I mumble. "What did I do.."


My heart drops as my phone buzzes in my hand. How did she get my message?

I hesitantly look at the screen and read the message:

miss you too <3

I slam my phone onto my chest, unable to process the message. My heart races band my mouth goes dry. I peek at the screen and reread the message, a smile comes across my face.


Flight was delayed :/ I'll be getting home by midnight

I reread the message when a thought crosses my mind. Want me to drive you halfway?

You don't have to.

I insist.

What time will you get here?

I smile and crawl out of bed and go back to my original seat beside Julia. "Go to the airport."

"Are you insane? We passed it half an hour ago!"

"Then turn around!"

Julia groans and rolls her eyes, "I don't know what has gotten into you, Reneé, but it's not good."

"Just turn around." I type a quick text to Tatum: Half an hour.

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