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Renee's POV~

Later that night, after everyone has left, Tatum and I are just laying in bed. These past few days with her have been amazing.. but she leaves tomorrow. She goes back home to Pennsylvania. I don't know when I'll see her next and yes, that does scare me a bit. We're about to return to reality, will we still be the same?

I turn over on my side and look at Tate as she scrolls through her phone. Is she stressed about this like I am? She doesn't look very scared for what's to come, so why am I?

Suddenly tears fill my eyes as I think about getting separated from her in the morning.

I silently cuddle up to her side, she puts her arm around me and kisses my forehead. Her phone is put down on the nightstand as her full attention is turned to me.

"What's wrong, baby?" She asks me softly.

"I don't want you to leave tomorrow.." I sniffle. "We're so happy right now and once you leave, reality is going to come back and you're not gonna like the publicity you're about to get and the paparazzi is about to go insane and-"

"Renee." Tate cuts me off and tucks my hair behind my ear, "None of that matters. I'll deal with the publicity if it means I get to love you."

Her words put a smile on my face. I lift my head and gently press our lips together. "You love me?" I ask with a cheeky grin.

Tate rolls her eyes playfully but nods, leaning in to kiss me again, "I do."

I feel myself blush as our lips connect again, "I love you too." I mumble against her mouth as our kiss deepens.

She hums against my lips and sits up, reaching to grab my thigh and pull me onto her lap. I don't reject her advances. I slip my hand under her baggy shirt and smirk when I find out she's not wearing a bra.

Tatum moves her mouth from my lips to my neck, I gasp and give her breast a squeeze, earning a soft moan from Tate. She sucks on that one sensitive spot on my neck, I tilt my head to the side to give her more access.

Her hand, that was previously on my waist, is now between my thighs and in my underwear. I'm grinding my hips slowly on her fingers as she pleases me, "God baby.. fuck.." I whimper.

"You got it.." She praises me, "You're doing so good, my love.." My head falls back and I grab tightly onto her shoulders, "You're so close.."

"I'm so fucking close.." I repeat her words as my eyes close tightly and I moan, "Right there.. oh fuck, right there.."

I moan loudly as an orgasm takes over my body, Tatum slows her movements and kisses along my neck to soothe me out of my state.

"There you go, you did so good for me.." She praises me, I smile softly and press my lips against hers as she removes her hand from between my legs.

"You're amazing.." I say as she puts her two fingers in her mouth, sucking them clean.

"You're amazing."

I smile and kiss her gently, never wanting the moment to end. "Let me come with you.."

Tate grins but shakes her head, "We both know that you aren't allowed."

I sigh and frown, "I'm gonna miss you so much.."

"I'll be back before you know it.." She brushes my hair out of my face, "Don't worry, baby."

I look into those dark brown eyes and smile softly. Her dimples pop and her freckles gleam, she looks so beautiful right now. God, she's so perfect.

"What are you thinking about?" Tate asks me in a sweet tone.

"You." I say honestly. "I'm always thinking of you."

She smiles, "You're so cute."

I watch as she pulls out her phone and takes a photo of me sitting on her lap.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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