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I'm awoken by the feeling of kisses on my inner thighs. I squint my eyes and look down only to find Renee laying between my legs with a smirk.

I don't have time to realize what she's about to do before she says "Happy Birthday." and her tongue dips into me, making me gasp and moan her name.


"Happy Birthday!" Vivian says with a smile as she enters my apartment, holding a tray of red velvet cupcakes with chocolate icing. Wyatt follows her holding three grocery bags filled with snacks and drinks.

"You're early!" I exclaim as I walk out of my bedroom of shaking legs, praying to god they don't notice. Renee smirks and helps Wyatt with the snacks.

"Renee told us to come over by noon, what do you mean?" She gives me a puzzled look before setting the cupcakes down on the coffee table.

I check the time and nearly gasp when I realize it's 12:30pm. I glare at Renee, she just shrugs. No wonder my legs are shaking, she kept me in bed for 3 hours.

"Oh, right." I say through a fake grin. "I just have to go get changed, I'll be right back."

I go into my bedroom and slip into one of Renee's tshirts and a pair of jeans, checking my reflection to see if there's any marks I need to cover before my mother arrives but there's nothing that's noticeable.

That's one thing about Renee. She only leaves hickeys where she can see them, not anyone else, so I'm semi grateful for that.

When I leave my bedroom, the entire apartment is already decorated with pink and white balloons, streamers, and a banner.

"Wow, this looks great."

"Only the best for the birthday girl." Renee mumbles as she walks past, winking at me.

We never spoke about our conversation that we had last night. I know we have to but every time I tried to bring it up, she cut me off with sex.

Not that I'm complaining.

"When is everyone getting here?" I rub my tired eyes.

As soon as I ask my question, the door opens and Landon runs inside with my mother and Vivian's parents behind him. Landon goes straight to Renee when he gets inside, hugging her tightly.

"Happy birthday, Tum!" Dan says with a bright smile as he hands me a bright pink bag overflowing with green tissue paper.

I smile, "Thanks dad, you didn't have to get me anything."

"That's from Landon." Lily says before holding up a much neater wrapped box, "This is from us."

Lily takes the gifts and sets them down on the floor beside the coffee table. I thank them before I feel a hand on my waist, catching my attention. As I turn around to look at the blonde, she places a small crown on my head that says "birthday girl"

"Beautiful." Renee says with a smile, "Want to open your gifts?"

I look over at the large pile of presents and nod, "Sure!"

Everyone sits down on the couch, I sit on a chair in front of everyone and reach for a small box but Renee leaps out of her seat, "Not that one. Open that one last."

"Okay." I say with a confused expression as I reach for Landon's gift.

When I open it, I smile big and pull out a build-a-bear. It's my favorite animal, a giraffe, dressed in all black with a leather jacket.

"Press the button, Tatum!" Landon walks up beside me and presses the button in its foot.

*Hi Tatum! Hi Tate! We love you so much! Happy Birthday!*

Renee and Landon grin when they hear their voices. I pout my lips into a soft smile. "You guys are too cute.."

"It was my idea.. But I know how much Renee means to you so I wanted to include her." Landon gives me a hug.

"Aw.. thanks buddy. I love you so much." I kiss his cheek and hold the giraffe in my lap as Landon hands me another gift.

This one is from Lily and Dan. I tear the wrapping paper and gasp, "No way!" It's a brand new camera and all of the extra features. "Thanks guys!"

"I noticed you had your eye on it for a while." Lily shrugs and blows me a kiss, Dan just smiles and nods.

The next gift I open is from Wyatt which was just multiple different gift cards for my favorite restaurants. Vivian's gift was.. not very family friendly.. but, I must say, Renee loved it. My mom got me a few new books and CDs, her usual gift, but they always end up being my favorite.

"Okay, here's the last one." Landon says as he hands me the small rectangular gift that's wrapped in white with a red ribbon. "It's from Renee."

I cheekily smile up at Renee as she comes up behind me as I begin to unwrap her gift. I open the little box and gasp at what I see.

A red garnet stone and a blue sapphire stone on a necklace, our birthstones. The two stones are shaped into two little hearts and sit on a gold chain.

"Renee, this is beautiful.." I say quietly as I take the necklace out of the box to show to my family.

Renee takes the necklace and begins to put it around my neck, I move my hair out of the way so she can clip it together. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." I look up at her and pucker my lips a bit, silently asking for a kiss. She happily obliges and gives me a small peck.

"It looks amazing on you." She whispers into my ear.

"Thank you, my love." I smile at her before my mom walks over to look at the necklace.

"Oh, that's beautiful Renee." My mom wraps her arm around Renee's waist and leans her head against Nae's. They've gotten very close which makes me very happy.

"And the best part is.." Renee smirks and pulls her shirt down a bit to show off a matching necklace, the only difference is she has a silver chain. "We match." She winks at me.

"You really think of everything." My mother rubs Renee's back before pulling her away toward the kitchen.

"Do you still want to go out tonight?" Vivian asks me as she cleans up the wrapping paper from the floor.

"Do you?"

"Tatum, I'm pregnant, not disabled. Yes, of course I want to go out for your birthday."

Her sentence makes me laugh as I help her clean up.

Suddenly the lights turn off and the room is dimly lit by birthday candles as my mom walks out of the kitchen holding a cake. Renee follows with her hand in Landon's as they all begin singing "Happy Birthday"


"Chug! Chug! Chug!" We all chant as Wyatt chugs a beer. He made a bet with the bartender, if he finishes a beer in under 30 seconds then we all get free shots.

He finished it in 7.

We all cheer and clink our shots together before shooting them back. Vivian laughs at us as she clings to Wyatt, "This is so fun!"

I nod in agreement before they go off on their own, leaving me and Renee together.

"Do you like Vodka?" She asks, showing me a small red shot glass full of the liquid.

"Not much, it's too strong." I shrug, "Why?"

"Open your mouth." She commands.

My mouth falls open. Renee fills her mouth with the shot before grasping my throat and planting an open mouthed kiss on my lips, letting the liquid flow onto my tongue. I swallow all of it.

Our lips move in sync after the vodka is gone. Our tongues fight for dominance as Renee pins me against the bar.

I push her away so I can catch my breath, she smirks down at me before tapping the bar, ordering another drink.

"Happy Birthday, honey." She mumbles into my ear.

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