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It has been exactly two weeks since I left LA. Renee and I haven't gone one day, hardly even one hour, without talking though. We are always calling, texting, or face timing constantly. Even when one of us are busy, we always find time to talk. Such as right now for example.

I am alone in my apartment, listening to Taylor Swift, on a facetime call with Renee as she plays her piano and hums some lyrics that come to her mind.

"You're so talented." I say with a smile as I admire her.

Renee blushes as she continues to hum, now with a grin on her lips.

Then she stops abruptly.

"Tatum, can I ask you something.."

"Of course you can."

She looks at me and visibly gulps, "Actually, it isn't really a question,, I just- I need to admit something."

"Go on.." I say hesitantly.

Renee taps on the piano anxiously for a few silent minutes, I wait patiently until she looks back at me and says, "I like you, Tate.." She laughs nervously, "I like you a lot, and it scares me what I would do for you.."


"And I'm not just saying this because we slept together, I'm saying this because I need to be honest with you."


"I write songs for you that I never play. I think about you constantly, it's like some sort of infection."

"Renee, stop."

She stops talking and bites her bottom lip anxiously, "Sorry."

We look at each other for a moment before I smile, "I like you too, Renee."

It looks like she breathes a sigh of relief when I speak. She grins and looks away.

"The dating rumors won't die down, I don't know how long it's going to be until I'm allowed to see you again." I say as I pick the nail polish off my nails.

"Maybe.. maybe they don't have to die down." I look up at Renee when she speaks, "Maybe they don't have to be rumors anymore."

"Renee, what are you saying?"

She sighs and looks back down at her piano, "Nothing, it's nothing. Hey, I'll call you later okay?" Renee hangs up before I get the chance to reply.

I turn off my phone with a sigh. I look down at my right hand, on my middle finger sits the ring that Renee gave me when we first met. It fell off when she was performing.

I twirl it around my finger and huff before picking up my phone and calling a number, "Hello?"

"Wyatt, is Vivian there?" I ask as I walk down the hall to my bedroom.

"She's in the shower, what's up? You sound determined."

"It's Renee's last show tomorrow night, we're flying to LA." I pull my suitcase out of my closet.

"Wait, we?" Wyatt asks.

"Yes we. Go pack your stuff, you and V have to help me plan something after we land."

"Got it."

"Get to my apartment in an hour." I hang up the phone and pack up my suitcase. I buy 3 plane tickets for the next flight to LA, it leaves at midnight, it's already 9:30 here.


"Explain to me again why we are here?" Vivian asks as we all pile into our small rental car.

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