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July 23rd 2024, exactly a week after our wedding.

We just got back from our honeymoon yesterday and are now at the beach with Wyatt, Vivian, and Karson who is now six months old. As much as we all love the baby, she loves Reneè more than anyone. Their bond is incredible. So as we sit in the sand, Reneè happily holds Karson.

"How was Italy?" Vivian asks as she applies sunscreen to Wyatt's back.

"Really fun! It's so pretty over there." I answer as Reneè fights with Karson to stop her from putting sand in her mouth. "We should all take a trip there together some time."

"I agree. I've been to Italy once when I was twelve and it was amazing." She sits down beside me and hands Renee Karson's pacifier, she puts it in Karson's mouth. "She missed you guys."

"I missed her too." Renee says with a smile. "She's gotten so big!"

"It's only been a week, Nae." Wyatt sits down beside me and tries to take Karson but she clings to Renee's orange hoodie. "I see how it is. I'm gonna go swim for a bit, you guys okay here?"

"Yeah, we're good." We answer and Wyatt runs toward the water.

"So..." Vivian says as Karson reaches for her, "A little birdie told me that you both have been talking about babies..." She takes Karson from Renee.

Renee looks at me and I grin before she speaks, "Yeah we've um.. we've actually been looking for a sperm donor." She says proudly.

"No way!" Vivian squeals, "You guys are going to be amazing parents.. stop I'm going to cry!" She grins and takes my hand. "Wait, who's going to-"

"Me." Renee says, cutting Vivian off. "We talked it over and decided that I'll carry the baby." I nod in agreement. "I'm excited."

"Me too, baby." I reach for her hand and smile.

"You guys are too fucking cute, I love you." Vivian smiles and shakes her head.

Renee excuses herself to go swim with Wyatt. Karson reaches for me, I happily hold her in my lap.

"Isn't this insane, Tatum? It's been two years and here we are." She grins and looks at her daughter, "I have a baby, you're married and planning to have one soon.. this is crazy.."

"It's our amazing reality, Vivi." I look out to the waves and see Renee and Wyatt jumping through them, splashing each other with the salty water. "We got so lucky."

"We did." We take each other's hands as she rests her head on my shoulder, I rest my head on top of hers. "I love you so much, Tatum.. I don't think I tell you enough."

"I love you too, Vivian. So much." I kiss Karson's head, "I love Karson too.. and Renee, and Wyatt."

She sighs happily and nods in agreement. "Me too."


(short chapter)

next up is the epilogue. I hope you all enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it

sending all my love <3

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