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When Renee's morning alarm goes off at 5:30, I groan and hide my head under the covers.


I reach over to the other side of the bed and sit up when I notice she isn't in bed. I rub my eyes as I look around and fix my hair, "Renee?"


"Oh my god, shut up." I turn off the alarm and climb out of bed, wrapping the bedsheet around my very naked and very sore body. I rub my face with my hand and walk over to my suitcase to find some kind of an outfit to wear, since last night didn't give us much time to unpack.

Half of that is my fault.

"Renee?" I call out her name again.

"Bathroom!" I hear her call back. I nod and yawn.

I drop the bedsheet from my body and put on a hoodie and shorts. I also find Renee's pair of slippers by the bed so I slip those on too.

Arms slide around my waist from behind, I smile softly when I smell her scent. Vanilla.

"Good morning.." She mumbles into my shoulder. I lean my head against her and sigh. "Sorry about my alarm, I woke up before it."

"It's okay." I spin around and see her wrapped in a silk robe, I smile. "Good morning."

She smiles and leans in to peck my lips. I step away once she lets me go and I go into the bathroom.

Once I finish up, I pull out my phone to send a quick video to Vivian. I point it toward the mirror and begin talking, "Hey V, we made it to the hotel last night after Nae's show.. we actually decided to share a hotel room." The bathroom door opens and Renee stands at the entrance wearing my shirt.

I smirk, "Speaking of.." I point the camera towards Renee for a brief second, she smiles and poses before I turn it back to the mirror, "She's wearing my shirt Vivi." I look back towards Renee and smirk, "I'll text you later." I say to the phone before sending the video and setting my phone on the bathroom counter.

Renee giggles and reaches out for me as I walk toward her. Her arms go around my neck and mine snake around her waist as I pull her into a kiss.

A knock on the door disrupts us yet again. Renee pulls away, I huff, and she opens the door. "Hey Julia."

"It's almost six, who wants breakfast? I was thinking donuts." She steps into our room and sets her purse on the floor beside her red heels. "What is that." She points at my neck.

My heart drops and Renee's face flushes. "Uh.."

"Dear god, Tatum, please tell me that's not a hickey." She looks at me, then at Renee, then back to me. "You two are going to be the death of me.." She groans. "Tatum, you'll need to go down to the makeup department before the show starts, okay?"

"Got it."

"You." She looks at Renee, "Do you have any anywhere?"

Renee blushes, "Well.."

Julia waves her hand, "Never mind. As long as they aren't visible then I don't care." She clears her throat, "Now breakfast!"

We take the elevator down to the small dining room that's filled with breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, toast, and donuts.

Julia, to no surprise, goes over to the donuts and puts three on her plate. I settle for waffles, I top them with berries and syrup, Renee goes for a simple avocado toast.

"Where's Alissa?" Renee asks, covering her mouth with her hand as she chews her food.

"They left after your show last night, I'm not too sure why." Julia shrugs and takes a huge bite of the strawberry donut.

I look at Renee and shrug with a smirk, she giggles.

"Renee, I was wondering if you'd want to perform a longer set list tonight and maybe add Pretty Girls somewhere?" Julia says.

Renee nods, "That would be fun. I'll have to check with the band first."

Julia nods and pulls out her phone, Im guessing to text Renee's band members. I finish my waffles and lean back in my chair, feeling slightly stuffed.

I can see Renee looking at me through my peripheral vision. Her head is resting on her palm, as if she's in a haze.

I bring my gaze up to meet hers and I smile softly, she blushes. "What are you thinking about?" I ask.

Renee's POV~
Two Months Ago

"You're my best friend, Tate." I giggle, "I love you so much."

I'm only a little tipsy but any time I'm with Tatum, I feel amazing. She brings out the best in me even if we've only known each other for two months.

"I love you too, Nae." She sighs and rests her head on my shoulder.

I look at our reflection in the mirror that's on the far side of the room. We are sitting on the couch, her head is on my shoulder, and her eyes are closed.

I refuse to move.

This is the closest I'll ever be to her.

I pull out my phone and open my notes app, only typing with one hand so I don't disturb Tatum's sleep.

We fall asleep on the couch, I refuse to move
'Cause it's the only time that I'm ever sleeping next to you
And then you get comfortable on my shoulder

I put my phone down and kiss the top of Tatum's head, almost as if it's an instinct. She stirs in her sleep.

Tatum's POV~
Present Time

"Oh, nothing." Renee answers my question. I hold her hand under the table and give it a squeeze.

I smile at her and she smiles at me. Julia looks between both of us, a smile forming on her usual bored expression.

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