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@lmaoitsme OH MY GOD ITS OFFICIAL!!!



@icantthinkofusernames RENEE AND TATE ARE ENDGAME

The comments on Renee's most recent post are mostly positive and supporting, others.. not so much. Some fans are very protective of Renee, some are obsessive.

I smile at the cute comments and gently kiss the top of Renee's head as she also reads through her comment section. "Have you seen the edits yet?" She laughs, "These are amazing.. I didn't even know some of these videos were on the internet."

"I saw a bunch of them, your fans are so cute."

She smiles. I take out my phone and begin filming a video to post on my Instagram story.

"Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I probably won't be posting for a while, I might be getting fired soon but-"

"You're not going to get fired." Renee chimes in.

She crawls out of bed and goes into the bathroom, I grin and continue my video, "She's funny. I'm definitely getting fired. But back to what I was saying, I'm super hungover so I won't be posting today and when I get fired, I'll just have to find other things to photograph-"

"You aren't getting fired, Tate!" Renee calls out. I smirk and roll my eyes playfully before I whisper to the camera, "I'm getting fired."

"No you're not." Renee climbs into bed and steals my phone, "She's not getting fired." Then she ends the video and posts it on my story, "I won't let it happen."

"You can't control that."

"If she tries to fire you, I'll find a new manager."

"Renee. You are not doing that."

"Watch me."

She tosses my phone onto the edge of the bed and straddles my lap, my hands find her waist and I grin up at her, "Hi.."

Renee smirks and rolls her eyes playfully, "Hi baby."

"If you guys are going to start making out, please give me at least ten minutes to leave." Wyatt calls out from the floor.

Renee turns her head to look at him, "You have 600 seconds, Wyatt." She smirks, "599, 598."

Wyatt laughs and stands up off of the floor, cracking his knuckles, "Do you have any meds, Tatum?"

"Bathroom, it should still be on the counter. Can you wake up Vivian and give her some too?"

"No problem." He walks over to the couch and brushes Vivian's hair out of her face, "Good morning my love.."

I grab Renee's chin and gently guide her face to look back at me, she grins and leans in to kiss my lips.

"Hey, I said ten minutes!" Wyatt says.

"You have six minutes to leave." Renee says against my lips.

Her and Wyatt have become pretty close which is really nice. They act like sister and brother with how they argue constantly whether they mean it or not.

"Be nice." I scold her, nipping her bottom lip.

She moves her lips down to my neck, gently biting right below my jawline, "Say please."


"Please.." My voice comes out a little weaker than intended.

Renee lifts her head and strokes her thumb across my bottom lip, I stick out my tongue. She puts her thumb in my mouth and grasps my chin, "Wyatt, you and Vivian can stay as long as you'd like." Renee raises her eyebrows in a teasing manner, "I'm sure Tatum can behave herself."

I scoff and grab her throat, pushing her back so now I hover over her, "Go ahead and keep teasing baby, see what happens."

"Don't tempt me." She winks, smirking up at me. Her lips part as I squeeze a bit harder, she lets out a soft moan. I glare at her and crawl off the bed.

"Horny fuckers.." Is the first thing I hear Vivian say as she rolls off the couch.

"I'll order room service. What does everyone want for breakfast?"

Almost all at once, they all yell out "Pancakes" so I call down to the front desk and order pancakes, bacon, sausage, and fruit. I also ask for orange juice and coffee.

I sit on the couch and lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees, and resting my head on my hand. Renee and I lock eyes, we just stare at each other. Her eyes are filled with hunger and need.

She's just laying on the bed, her arms laid above her head. She looks so beautiful.

"Do you need the room to yourselves?" Vivian says before answering the door as our food arrives.

Renee doesn't take her eyes off of me, I don't look away either. Vivian hands me a plate then Renee, I smirk and tear my gaze away, earning a chuckle from her. "I win."

"We'll see."

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